Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 17 April 24, 2005 |
elected representatives, intellectuals, writers, theatre personalities and
others came together in New Delhi to express solidarity with the ongoing
struggle to protect the democratic rights of working people, achieved after
years of struggle.
a meeting ‘In Defence of the Right to Protest’, organised in the lawns of
Vithal Bhai Patel House on April 19, all of them donated one rupee per person to
CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Biman Basu, to help him carry out the struggle
against the Kolkata High Court judgement sentencing him to 3 days imprisonment
for speaking up against its attempts to stifle the right to protest. He has
moved the Supreme Court in appeal against this judgement and has undertaken such
mass collections in Bengal also.
Delhi, four cultural organisations, Jana Natya Manch, Janwadi Lekhak Sangh,
Janasanskriti and Act One organised this solidarity programme. Speaking on this
occasion, Biman Basu said he had decided to appeal against the Kolkata High
Court judgment in the Supreme Court and to meet the expenses, he had decided to
collect one rupee from every person. Saying he had great respect for the
judiciary, Biman Basu however questioned what was wrong in the tribals taking
out a procession in Kolkata on their genuine demands. This procession was used
as the ground for the judgement. Basu pointed out that the toiling people of the
country do not take out rallies/morchas for the sake of fun. These forms of
protest were one of the important tools in their fight for their rights. He
concluded b saying that the democratic structure of the country needed to be
protected and for this the balance between the three pillars of democracy –
parliament, executive and judiciary – needed to be maintained harmoniously.
donating his one rupee, CPI(M) general secretary, Prakash Karat spoke to waiting
media persons and said this fight was not just Biman Basu’s individual fight
but concerned the entire nation’s democratic rights. Karat reiterated
CPI(M)’s full support to this important fight being carried out by Biman Basu.
four organisations in a press release stated that democratic rights have
increasingly been coming under attack. “In particular, the judiciary seems to
have taken it upon itself to pass strictures against rallies, strikes, bandhs,
and other forms of protest. This is
undemocratic, since it takes away from common citizens the right to protest
peacefully and engage in collective bargaining for improving their quality of
has to be understood that this is an issue that affects not only political
parties and organisations, but also artists, intellectuals, journalists, and
members of the intelligentsia since it has direct bearing on the issue of the
freedom of expression” they said.
Natya Manch secretary, Moloyshree Hashmi chaired the meeting. Among those
present included CPI(M) Polit Bureau members, Chittabrata Majumdar and Brinda
Karat, CPI secretary D Raja, Forward Block leader Devrajan, CPI(M) central
committee members W R Varada Rajan, P Madhu, a number of CPI(M) MPs, mass
organisation central leaders and others.
few weeks back, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Biman Basu was adjudged by the
Kolkata High Court as having committed contempt on the issue of a High Court
judge’s direction against taking out of processions in the streets of the
city. Despite Biman Basu’s
submission that he had not said anything out-of-line against the court of law,
the High Court sentenced Biman Basu to three days’ of incarceration plus Rs
1000 as fine with one more day of incarceration in case the fine was not paid.
Basu received a four weeks worth of stay on this order.
He preferred to appeal against the order at the Supreme Court.
Biman Basu declared that he would collect funds to the tune of Re one per
person to muster the financial strength necessary to fight the case.
He has declared that he would not burden the Bengal CPI(M) with the costs
of the case. State secretary of the
CPI(M), Anil Biswas said that every member of the CPI(M) would pitch in with Re
one and collect Re one each from other people.
on April 15, Biman Basu led the collection drive not only in places in the city
but also at Salt Lake and at Kalyani in Nadia.
In Kolkata, Biman Basu collected funds from the people who came in
thousands near the Ganashakti Bhavan. Earlier, he had been at the Nandan cine
complex to collect funds. Bucketfuls
of Re one coins and notes were collected, and there was a big rush to help Basu
with his court case. The money
remaining in excess after the court case was over would be donated to the Bengal
chief minister’s fund for legal aid, Biman Basu said.
a brief address, Biman Basu said that since the court sentence was passed in a
case where he had spoken about the right of the people to organise processions,
he had gone to the people for help to fight the case at the Supreme Court. Anil
Biswas said that the more important issue at hand was the cause for which the
collection was being made. The
CPI(M) never wants the honour of the courts of law to be breached in any manner
said the CPI(M) leader, there were certain developments taking place against
which popular movements were necessary. The
programme that was undertaken, explained Biswas, was also meant to further
strengthen the basis of the judicial system.
Biswas commented that it must be ensured that no doubts persisted in the
minds of the people about the judiciary.
Biman Basu subsequently went to Bhangar in south 24 Parganas and to Kalyani in Nadia where, too, the fund collection drive was notably successful with massive popular participation. CITU leader, Shyamal Chakraborty has said that more funds would be collected at the NPMO rally held in Kolkata on April 17 where CPI(M) leader, Jyoti Basu would be present.