Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 11 March 13, 2005 |
Party Marches Ahead Against All Odds
A view of the massive public meeting in Mallapuram
(the mount with the fort) is the highest point in Malappuram town, the
headquarters of the district with that name. Actually, there is no fort there.
It was the campsite of British military when it reached there in 1921 in large
numbers to quell an uprising of Muslim peasants. Today, it is a vast open field
where a mammoth meeting could be held.
February 22, from early morning onwards, people started pouring in to the
Kottakkunnu from all parts of the district to participate in the evening rally
and see the march of 15,000 red volunteers to be held in the afternoon. People
were thronging not only Kottakkunnu or the roads leading to it but also the
vicinity of E K Nayanar Nagar at the other end of the town where the
delegates’ session was taking place as also the Arafat Nagar where an
exhibition and cultural meetings and events were being held.
town which usually had a green (the colour of Muslim League) look was all red
since February 19, the day the 18th CPI(M) state conference commenced. The
roads, junctions and other public places in the district had turned red much
earlier with people making the place an unforgettable sight with red flags,
festoons and portraits of martyrs and departed leaders like AKG, P Krishna
Pillai, EMS and others.
basic characteristic of the Malappuram state conference, right from the
formation of the reception committee to the final public meeting at Kottakkunnu,
was the widespread participation of the people. The meeting to constitute the
reception committee was not held in a hall but in a maidan so that a few
thousands could participate in it. Thousands of former members and sympathisers
of Muslim League and Congress enthusiastically took part in all activities
connected with the conference.
the Malappuram Party cadre, the state conference was an unexpected bonanza and
they did everything to celebrate it in their own unique manner. They had
arranged numerous meetings in all wards of panchayats and municipalities in the
district. Apart from these meetings, seminars were held in all major centres in
the district from the beginning of February in which eminent personalities from
all walks of life took part. This made the Malappuram state conference of the
Party a unique experience.
a major section of the media in Kerala was also making it unforgettable. The
ruling UDF which has a brute majority of 100 out of 140 seats in the Kerala
assembly has become not only a divided but a disintegrating house. Its major
constituents Congress and Muslim League are facing serious infighting. The
smaller constituents, the RSP(B) and KC(B) and KC(J), are at loggerheads with
the Congress. It is this situation which contributed to the complete wash out of
the Congress in Lok Sabha elections and the continuous drubbing the UDF is
receiving in local body bye-elections.
order to save the UDF and the Congress from this predicament, the media have let
loose a high-pitched campaign against the CPI(M), predicting that the Party will
disintegrate after its state conference. For
the past two years, these sections of the media were carrying on a virulent
campaign against the CPI(M) on some ideological issues. The state committee,
with the help of the central committee, took unanimous positions on these issues
and clarified the points to all Party members and sympathisers. This helped to
unify the Party. Then the media tried to divide the Party leadership into
traditionalists and reformers and carried on a campaign against the so-called
of these media outlets are owned by sections that subscribe to neo-liberal ideas
and policies. Their general position is reactionary and rightist. But they
attack the CPI(M) from a Left-extremist position alleging that a section of
Party leadership is taking rightist positions. Their arguments are leftist ones,
formulated and mouthed by rightist elements. People have been able to see
through their game.
Red shirt volunteers marching at the head of the procession
The media had widely reported the so-called infighting and mutual criticism made at various Party conferences by the delegates. It is normal for delegates at CPI(M) conferences to criticise harshly any shortcoming or deviation on the part of any comrade in higher committees. The media was trying to consciously intervene in such inner-Party debates by publicly reporting bits of information they could muster and often distorting or exaggerating certain points. They predicted a tough fight in the election of the new state committee and secretary.
media barons and those who pull their strings expected a head on split in the
Party leading to its disruption. But the people, Party members at large and
sympathisers decided otherwise. While there was some confusion foisted among
them by the bourgeois media, vast majority placed their faith and confidence in
the Party leadership. They asked the Party leadership to maintain Party unity at
all costs. The striving of the media to isolate the CPI(M) from the people and
discredit and disrupt the Party went against the wishes of the people. They
rejected such media canards and rallied around the Party.
unanimous adoption of the general secretary's report after discussions and
re-election of the entire outgoing members of the state committee as also the
new names officially proposed sent a message to one and all that the conference
stood by the programme and policies put forward by the Party leadership.
mass rally on the evening of February 22 was addressed by CPI(M) Polit Bureau
members Prakash Karat, S Ramachandran Pillai, V S Achuthanandan, Sitaram Yechuri
and Pinarayi Vijayan.
conference adopted a number of resolutions on issues affecting various sections
of people in the state other than the resolution on martyrs and the condolence
spite of the months’ long strident media campaign to carry the Party along the
road set up by them, the conference reiterated the earlier Party positions and
declared in unmistakable terms the Party’s firm resolve to fight neo-liberal
policies in various forms as also the machinations of obscurantists of all hues.
It supported the pro-people policies and measures of the UPA government
at the same time giving strict warning that any move by it to implement
anti-people policies would be resisted tooth and nail.
by the Muslim League to put impediments to making the conference a grand success
were resisted by the people. Actually, such efforts had the opposite effect. It
resulted in much more organised efforts by Party members to make the conference
a success as also the support they could muster from the people at large. In
spite of the most concerted moves to weaken and disrupt the Party unity, the
Party has become stronger and more united after the Mallapuram conference.
Naturally, this has weakened the confidence of the people in the media and
vested interests which tried their best to prevent the Party from consolidating
its victory in struggles it waged and the elections it contested during the last
three years.