No. 06 February 06, 2005 |
Conference Of Determination And Confidence
18th conference of the Punjab state committee of the CPI(M) ended on January
25,2005 on the note of determination and confidence at Mansooran (Ludhinana).
began on January 23, with an impressive open rally participated in by more than
40 thousand people who braving the biting cold wave came from all over the
state. The rally looking as a see of red flags was presided over by comrade
Rachhpaul Singh and Charan Singh Virdi.
Harkishan Singh Surjeet, general secretary of the party congratulating the
Punjab comrades for their impressive mobilisation delivered a general speech
full of revolutionary emotions which urged the rallists with the spirit of
tenacious fight for the cause of people and sparing no sacrifice in such worthy
cause. He warned the Punjab government which is denying trade union rights to
the workers of cycle industry who are struggling for their demands led by CITU
and CPI(M). Stating the fact that no inimical power can stand before the power
of union and united struggles of the working class and other toilers, Surjeet,
exhorted the workers that they should further intensify and broad base their
struggle so that the rulers who are acting as paid servants of the inhuman
exploitation of the owners of the cycle industry. Comrade Surjeet in his
concluding remarks stressed the need for intensification of the struggle against
the menace of communalism and aggressive American imperialism.
Prakash Karat, Polit Bureau member delivered a forceful speech dwelling in
detail upon the challenges before the people in international and national
sphere, to wit, the imperialist war and aggression posing threat to the national
sovereignty of countries, the danger of communal forces – BJP-RSS combine
whose latest strength cannot be underestimated, and the LPG brand discredited
economic polices being pursued by UPA government as were pursued by previous
communal and right wing BJP led government. Comrade Karat supported the
struggles of cycle workers and the Abadkaars (occupants of evacuee lands along
Sutlej river since decades who are being forcefully evicted by the Punjab forest
department under the provision of Indian Forest Act).
Balwant Singh secretary Punjab state committee dwelling upon the political
situation in the state observed that Amrinder Singh government has broken all
pledges to the people made during the assembly election and pursuing anti-people
policies, hitting hard all the sections of the people – industrial workers,
agricultural workers, peasants, youth, students etc. And what is regrettable in
this is that Amrinder Singh sems to be unaware of the fact that UPA government
has made promise of relief to the people in its common minimum programme (CMP)
and has becomes crazy for getting a certificate of appreciation from World Bank.
Balwant further observed that Akali Dal led by ex-CM Parkash Singh, Badal is
trying to utilise this discontentment of the people along communal lines.
In his stirring speech Balwant assured the people of Punjab that CPI(M)
will spare no effort in taking up the issues of all the sections of the people,
with initiative and build broad based struggles.
Raghunath Singh, Vijay Mishra, Lambhar Singh Taggar and Sukhwinder Singh also
addressed the gathering.
Surjeet released the autobiography of Comrade A K Gopalan “In the cause of
people” which was translated in Punjabi and published by the Punjab state
committee of CPI(M) and financed by Association of Communists (UK) Marxists.
workers of Ludhiana presented a purse of Rs 1 lakh 23 thousand as Tsunami relief
fund to Comrade Surjeet. Earlier too on January 15, these workers sent Tsunami
relief amounting to Rs 1 lakh 94 thousand.
flag hoisting by veteran comrade Rattan Singh and paying floral tributes at the
martyrs column, the delegates session began with comrade Rachhpaul Singh,
Gurmeet Singh Dhadha, Inderjeet Singh Bhagassa, Gurdial Singh Dhar and Basit
Singh Namol in the chair and participated by 335 delegates including five
Balwant Singh proposed a condolence resolution, and revolutionary homage was
paid to the departed Comrades, Yassar Arafat, E K Nayanar, Suseela Gopalan, B
Narsimha Reddy, P K Tandon, Nripen Chakarbarty, Sohan Singh Bassi, Master Pahhar
Singh, Master Prem Singh Pathlawa and Narain Dass.
Harkishan Singh Surjeet and Prakash Karat guided the deliberations. The state
secretariat members acted as the steering committee.
Bureau member Prakash Karat inaugurated the conference, amidst long applause.
Karat delineating the international task of the CPI(M) said that CPI(M) shall be
mobilising the Indian people in support of all the currents of resistance
against imperialism, specifically the US imperialism which is spearheading the
reactionary offensive against national sovereignty of the countries. In this
context he dwelt in detail upon Iraq, US invasion of it by trampling all
international laws and UN charter and the resistance building up against the US
occupation there. He also mentioned the resistance against imperialist
globalisation and imposition of neo-liberal reforms in Venezuela and Brazil.
Karat observed that with the election of President Bush the aggressive
reactionary sections of the US ruling classes will continue to intervene
globally to materialise their doctrine of neo-liberal imperialism using its
economic strength and military power.
on national situation, Karat said that the ouster of the BJP and NDA government
in the 14th Lok Sabha elections is a most significant development
since the last party Congress in 2002. He noted with satisfaction that the
party’s three main objectives laid down in the elections have proved
successful. Karat emphasized with concern the fact that the UPA government is
pursuing the same policies of liberalisation and indiscriminate privatisation
and not withstanding certain policy measures in CMP, it is unwilling to change
the policies being pursued by the previous regime.
spelled out the attitude of CPI(M) towards the UPA government and said that the
party extends support to the UPA government so that the levers of state power
are not with the combination headed by the BJP. Prakash further said that in the
present complicated situation the party has to act as the sentinel of the
people’s interests and take appropriate measurers to launch struggles etc in
this regard and meet the needs of the situation promptly. He further stressed
that comrades should make the people understand that the CPI(M) and the left are
not supporting the UPA government for continuing the same discredited policies
of the Vajpayee’s government. Summing up the tasks in the national sphere
comrade Prakash said that in the present situation, the task is not only to
carry forward the struggle against the communal forces but also to intensify the
struggle against the policies of liberalisation and privatisation and the
dictates of imperialist finance capital. Karat appreciating the Punjab comrades
for successfully combating the disruptionists and recovering from the wounds of
disruptions, said that there are great possibilities and potential in Punjab for
CPI(M) and party must identify with the aspirations and assertions of all the
socially and economically oppressed sections, take their issues with initiative
and also called upon the Punjab comrades to fight against the communalists –
Akali BJP combine.
Balwant Singh state secretary presented the political-organisational report on
behalf of the state committee. Apart from the self-critical review of the
implementation of the directions of the 17th party congress and time to time
decisions of the central committee and PC, the report gave an analysis of
economic and political situation in the state. Punjab continues to be
predominantly agrarian economy. Agrarian crisis is deepening which is
aggravating ruination of the common peasants and agricultural labourers.
Indebtedness of the peasantry is growing and suicides phenomenon is also there.
Industrial sickness and closure is on the increase. Unemployment has acquired
demonic proportions. Youth is becoming victims drug addiction and consumption of
alcohol has increased. Helplessness
is creating fertile ground for fundamentalists and communalists. Taking stock of
the political situation the report notes that the graph of Amridner government
is going down because of its persistence of pursuing anti-people policies,
withdrawing of free electricity provision to agricultural sector, increasing
corruption in administration and growing police repression. Public education
system and health care system has collapsed. Discontent in all sections of the
people is piling up. Akali dal who has got no alternative economic policy being
representative of bourgeois-landlord classes is trying to mis-channelise the
discontentment along communal lines. Report has listed 14-point demands of
charter for democratic development of Punjab and for protecting the livelihood
of various sections of the people, including the demands of transferring
Chandigarh to Punjab and settling river water and territorial disputes on the
basis of Rajiv Longowal Accord. The Report has directed the state committee to
prepare a comprehensive action plan for the realisation of this charter and
launch sustained struggle stressing upon the building of party as per Marxist
Leninist principles of communist party building. It has been noted with
satisfaction that during the period under review party has successfully held
30th All India Kisan Conference at Jalandhar in March 2003, 7th All India
Conference of DYFI at Amritsar in November 2003 and All India AILU conference in
November 2000 at Jalandhar. Report has also noted with satisfaction that the
party has been able to contain disruption and to make up the losses in mass
mobilisation capacity. A quite good number of members who went with
disruptionists became disillusioned with the disruptionist coterie and have now
rejoined the party mainstream which include district secretaries of Sangrur,
Ferozpur, Moga and Kapurtala districts. The report has chalked out 9
organisational tasks including improving the party education system and carrying
out rectification campaign more effectively.
nine delegates took part in six - hour long discussion. They were in agreement
with the formation of the report. However they stressed upon local activities,
party education, drawing up of cadre policy and giving more attention to the
quality of whole-timers their wage and ideological level and also making the
branch functioning more regular and comprehensive. The guidelines laid down in
CC document on mass organisations were appreciated. The report was unanimously
adopted after accepting some suggestions.
conference adopted unanimously the following resolutions: On current political
situation in Punjab and tasks; Against economic policy, Against communalism,
Against imperialism, On demands of industrial workers, Agricultural workers and
peasants, On support of the struggle of cycle workers, Against gender
discrimination and female feticides distorting male-female ratio disturbingly.
conference unanimously elected a 37-member state committee of which 31 from the
preceding state committee and two are new induction and four will be filled
later on. Comrade Balwant Singh was unanimously re-elected as state secretary.
Six member state secretariat consisting of the state secretary, Charan Singh
Virdi, Rachhpaul Singh, Raghunth Singh, Vijay Mishra and Lehmbar Singh Taggar
was also elected unanimously.
conference also elected unanimously 15 delegates and two alternative delegates
for the 18th party congress.
conference also elected three special invitees and one permanent invitees to the
state committee. A three member state control commission with Rattan Singh as
chairman was also elected.
S S Kooner presented the credential report. Out 314 delegates/observers who
submitted their credential forms 297 were men and 17 women. Seventy four
whole-timers and 240 part timers 13 below thirty, 41 below40, 98 below 50, 83
below 60, 60 below 70, 16 below 80 and three above 80. Seventy-eight upto
middle, 98 matric, 47 10+2, 58 graduate, 31 post graduate and two doctorates.
Those who joined the party before 1964 were 35, before 1980 were 156, before
1990 were 80 and after 1991 were 137. As for social class composition, six from
industrial workers, 99 from agricultural workers, 172 from peasants, 9 from
artisans and 28 from shopkeepers and others.
Harkishan Singh Surjeet in his intervention stressed upon more systematic work
in the peasantry.
seminars were also held on this occasion: One seminar of Ludhiana Bar and PAU
teachers which was addressed by Comrade Prakash Karat. The other was on
globalisation and the role of intellectuals which was addressed by Balwant