Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 50 December 12, 2004 |
Working Committee Decisions
independent campaign on the demands of the working class, focusing
specifically on issues like legislation for the agricultural workers,
legislation for the unorganised sector workers with a meaningful state
funded benefit-defined social security scheme, national employment guarantee
scheme, revival of sick PSUs, reviewing of the Electricity Act 2003 and
welfare schemes for women as incorporated in the CMP.
demanding change in the direction of the economic policies; build up
resistance against the unwarranted dilution of government stake in the PSUs,
privatisation of airports and allowing higher foreign participation in
telecom, civil aviation, insurance, banks and other strategic sectors of the
economy; oppose de-reservation of the items reserved for small scale units;
campaign demanding roll back of the price hike in petrol, diesel and cooking
campaign focussing on general non-enforcement of basic labour laws in most
of the states in respect of minimum wages, social security and safety with
direct patronage of the concerned administration and against repression on
the trade union movement demanding implementation of basic labour laws.
joint trade union campaign and struggle against reduction in the interest
rate on provident fund and other savings, perpetuation of the new
defined-contribution pension scheme for new central government employees,
besides imposition of tax on the terminal benefits under the scheme.
more attention to organise the unorganised sector workers and form
sub-committees and coordination committees at the state and district level.
up the issues of working women and build struggles at the trade union level.
initiative to encourage and develop industry wise struggles of various
industrial federations.
independent campaign against communalism and other divisive trends and link
them with day-to-day trade union struggles at all levels
for holding a massive all India convention on ‘Right to Work’ in March
– May 2005.
trade union schools in the states to cover all working committee members of
the affiliated unions.
efforts to reach the membership target of 40 lakh.
serious efforts to activate the Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions and the
National Platform of Mass Organisations for effective mobilisation
throughout the country.