No. 45 November 07, 2004 |
7, every year, comes to us as the day when we reaffirm our commitment to the
cause of socialism. For, it was the day 87 years ago, in 1917, when the Great
Socialist Revolution charted a new path for the whole of mankind. It would be a
truism to say that this socialist revolution was fundamentally and qualitatively
different from all revolutions of the past ages. As Karl Marx had prophesied on
the basis of his analysis, while the past revolutions had only replaced one
exploiting class by another, the socialist revolution of the future would end
all exploitation of man by man and of nation by nation, thus ushering into a
society where there would be no exploiter and no exploited. The glorious
socialist revolution of Russia was precisely that.
volumes upon volumes have been written for and against that revolution, which is
popularly known as the Great October Revolution in view of the old Russian
calendar, there is no need to go into its details here. Suffice it to say that,
based upon the teachings of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, two of the best
minds in human history, the Russian revolution under the leadership of Vladimir
Ilyich Lenin epitomised the power of the toiling millions and realised the
dreams of an egalitarian society that was nurtured by humankind for thousands of
years. It was also a revolution that did not leave the man’s aspirations for
equality confined to the spiritual domain but paved the way for their fulfilment
in material life itself.
way the revolution took place was itself in accordance with the Russian
people’s deeply felt urge for bread, land and peace --- the three slogans on
which the people rose like one man under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party.
While one of the three earliest decrees of the revolutionary government
transferred all land to the peasantry, another decree withdrew Russia from the
first world war. Moreover, the revolutionary government made public all the
secret treaties Russia under Czar had entered with the West European countries
and this enabled the people all over the world to see how the various
imperialist powers had conspired to divide and re-divide the colonial countries
among themselves. This exposed the real anti-human nature of imperialism as
never before.
as a corollary of its democratic and egalitarian nationality policy, the new
Soviet government offered freedom to the nationalities that were under the
Czarist thraldom. It was thus that while Poland, Finland and three Baltic
nations (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) chose to go free, about a dozen others
freely and voluntarily joined the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Nay,
faced with the fascist threat from Hitler in the late 1930s, the three Baltic
nations also joined the USSR through referendums --- two decades after the
Bolshevik government had freed them from the “prison-house of nationalities”
as the Czardom was called.
of the most significant achievements of the October Revolution was that it
unleashed the creative energy of the Soviet people, and the mighty process of
reconstruction that followed the revolution was amazing to the extreme. The
entire length and breadth of the newly created USSR was electrified within ten
years of the revolution, and that too without any FDI which our rulers say is
indispensable. One five-year plan after another wrote glorious chapters in the
fields of industry, agriculture, science and technology, literacy and education,
health and sanitation, child welfare, women’s empowerment and many other
fields. This shows that the very goals for which our bourgeois-landlord rulers
claim to strive, and which always remain elusive for them, were achieved in the
USSR in a very short span --- only because of the boundless energy and spirit of
sacrifice of the people whom the revolution had made the collective masters of
their country and its resources.
significant achievement of the revolution was that it gave a mighty fillip to
the national liberation movements the world over. At a time many pundits were
debating whether the revolution would at all be able to sustain itself, Lenin
coolly analysed the world situation and came to conclude that the revolution in
Russia would gain new allies from among the working class of advanced capitalist
countries and from among the oppressed nations of the world who were striving to
free themselves from the colonial-imperialist bondage. And, like Lenin’s
diagnosis of imperialism being the “eve of a socialist revolution” and
Russia being the weakest link in the chain of imperialist exploitation, this
prophesy too came true in a very short span when, soon after the end of the
second world war, numerous colonial, exploited countries broke free one by one
and also received valuable aid from the Soviet Union in their post-independence
reconstruction efforts.
to go very far, we can take the example of our own country where the national
liberation movement got radicalised under the impact of the Russian revolution.
It is true that Gandhi became instrumental in drawing the Indian masses into the
freedom struggle, but the fact that the masses were drawn into this struggle was
no less due to the impact of the revolution. Immediately after the revolution,
we see Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a towering figure of our freedom struggle, hailing
the revolution in glowing terms. And it was not Tilak alone; Ravindra Nath
Tagore, Subhash Bose, Jawaharlal Nehru, Bhagat Singh and his comrades, and many
others also hailed the event in no less glowing terms. Moreover, eminent Urdu
poet and freedom fighter Maulana Hasrat Mohani, who moved the first resolution
for complete independence at the Ahmedabad session of Indian National Congress
as early as in 1921, was deeply under the influence of the October Revolution.
impact of the Great Revolution was not confined to the formation of our party at
Tashkent in October 1920. It was not accidental that the Muslim youth who
migrated out of the country to fight for restoration of the Caliphate in Turkey,
got fundamentally transformed after they landed in the Soviet Union. The members
of the Ghadar Party who survived the First Lahore Conspiracy Case of 1915-16
also joined the Communist Party, as did many members of the Kabul based
provisional Indian government. And so did the comrades of Bhagat Singh who
survived the Second Lahore Conspiracy Case of 1929-31, as well as the surviving
members of Anushilan, Yugantar and other revolutionary groups.
could the Congress escape the impact of the revolution, and the formation of a
left wing in the Congress took place under the direct impact of the revolution.
This gave the Congress itself a radical orientation even though the right wing
continued to hold sway in its leadership. The formation of the AITUC in 1920 and
of the Kisan Sabha, Students Federation, Progressive Writers Association and
IPTA later also testified to the power of the revolution’s message. Even
before India won its independence, numerous persons and groups prepared the
blueprints of a planned economy for the country; even the Congress formed a
committee for the purpose. Needless to say, it all was inspired by the roaring
successes of the Soviet planning process. More or less the same story was
repeated in other colonial countries.
October Revolution also inspired revolutionary elements in reformist and
revisionist parties of the Second International to come out and form communist/
workers parties in their respective countries. This was how the Communist
International was born. It was through this forum that Lenin gave valuable
guidance to these nascent and inexperienced parties.
no less momentous was the role the Soviet Union played in freeing the world from
the threats of nazism and fascism. The 1930s was a decade when the whole of
Europe was trembling with fear in face of Hitlerite Germany and talking of “a
thousand years long era of darkness” in case Hitler was not stopped; even the
Congress Working Committee’s and All India Congress Committee’s resolutions
were talking of a long era of darkness in case Hitler succeeded in his plans.
Nay, soon after the second world war began, European countries fell into
Hitler’s laps one by one; it did not take more than 11 days for him to subdue
a developed country like France.
thanks to its strong economy and the high morale of its people, it was the
Soviet Union that withstood the German blitzkrieg for about four years. From
Leningrad in the north to Stalingrad in the south, the Soviet people converted
every single factory, every single collective farm, every dam and powerhouse,
every school and every hospital into a war front --- fighting what several
authors have called a “war of the whole people.” The Soviet people suffered
indescribable losses in this war --- apart from immense material losses, 20
million Soviet soldiers and civilians sacrificed their lives in this most
horrendous war in human history. But yet they earned success in smashing the
fascist war machine and ridding the world of the possibility of “a thousand
years long era of darkness.” This is something for which the whole world would
remain indebted to them.
not only that, in only seven years after the end of the war, by 1952, the USSR
was at its feet again, and that too without anything like a Marshall Plan. Since
then till 1991, it continued to extend invaluable help --- material, moral and
diplomatic --- to the national liberation movements and the newly liberated
countries. India has been one of the main beneficiaries of the Soviet help in
numerous fields, and it is the Soviet help, including the Indo-Soviet Treaty of
Friendship & Cooperation of 1971, that enabled India to resist the
imperialist blackmail.
similar “war of the whole people” was waged by the handful of Vietnamese
from 1945 to 1975, first against the French and then against US imperialists.
And if they inflicted a crushing defeat on the world’s mightiest power, it was
no less because they were inspired by the vision put forward by a
Marxist-Leninist party.
it is precisely this very history which the bourgeois-imperialist media wants to
wipe out from the world people’s memory.
is no need here to go into the causes of the USSR’s disintegration and the
dismantling of socialism in East European countries; the Madras congress (1992)
of the CPI(M) had analysed these causes in depth in its Resolution on Certain
Ideological Issues. Here we can only say that we were well aware of the
developments in the USSR and East European countries and we did put forth our
viewpoint at appropriate forums. More than a decade before the USSR’s demise,
late Comrade EMS had already pointed out that while capitalism periodically runs
into a crisis because of the very laws of its development, a socialist system
runs into a crisis when it violates the laws of its own development. In sum, no
matter how much the apostles of the bourgeois-imperialist system gloat over the
Soviet Union’s demise, the fact is that this catastrophic event took place
because of the serious mistakes that were committed in the course of socialist
reconstruction. It does not and cannot obliterate the continuing validity of
Marxism-Leninism today.
that as it may, the demise of the Soviet Union has undeniably given the US-led
imperialist camp a temporary advantage, with a tilting of the global correlation
of forces in its favour. And this is what the US in particular has been trying
to utilise for the sake of imposing its hegemony the world over. Ever since
mid-1991, a high-voltage TINA propaganda is on --- that there is no alternative
to capitalism, that there is no alternative to globalisation that in effect is
imperialist globalisation.
question is: Will this propaganda barrage succeed? If Goebells failed to make
people accept an utter falsity like nazism as truth, will his intellectual
offspring be able to make the world peoples accept that there is no alternative
to capitalism, to imperialist globalisation, to US hegemony?
question is: Has the people’s urge for an egalitarian society died down? Have
they given up their fight against exploitation and oppression? And if not, then
we have every reason to claim that Marxism is as valid today as it ever was. For
the simple reason that Marxism is the most potent weapon ever forged for the
global fight against inequality, exploitation and oppression.
what has the much touted capitalism, imperialism and globalisation given to the
people of the world? A rapid increase in their misery, a rapid decline in
employment, a drastic fall in their real incomes, a progressive diminution in
their share in the planet’s resources, crises in South East Asian countries
and bankruptcy in Argentina. And on top of that, four wars in only 12 years,
plus US imperialist intervention in several countries, plus threats to sovereign
countries, plus the dangers to humanity in the form of so-called missile defence
it for nothing that imperialist powers are mortally afraid of the rapidly
growing economic power of the People’s Republic of China? Is it for nothing
that they are afraid of the defiance and resistance which tiny Cuba symbolises?
sum, there is no gainsaying that the socialist systems of the USSR and East
European nations had many shortcomings and drawbacks. But a fact equally
undeniable is that capitalism and imperialism have patently failed to solve the
burning problems facing the people and hence represent no alternative. They can
only benefit tiny sections in various countries at the cost of the people at
large, and this is what they have been accomplishing in a most vulgar and
unashamed way.
is in such a situation and with such a realisation that the people’s struggle
for a better world, for an exploitation free and oppression free world
persistently refuses to die down. Very soon after the demise of the Soviet
Union, the Left and democratic forces vigorously forged ahead in Nepal, South
Africa, Lithuania and certain other countries. In recent past, these forces have
registered impressive victories in Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia and several other
resistance continues. Mighty protests against Bretton Woods institutions have
taken place from Seattle to Prague. Mighty protests have taken place against the
US war designs in almost every country of the world. Cuba still holds ground in
face of American missiles. DPR Korea refuses to be bullied on the nuclear energy
issue. Americans are unable to hold on to Iraq. The people of Venezuela have
more than once foiled the US conspiracies to topple the Chavez government. The
people of Chile are determined to bring to book Augusto Pinochet whose devilish,
US-backed regime butchered more than 60,000 of the Chilean citizens. All the
satanic acts of Zionist monsters and their masters abroad have failed to snuff
the struggle of Palestinian freedom fighters for a homeland
The protest continues. And will continue. The real need today is that various currents of resistance get coordinated and eventually moulded into a single stream. Also that the Left and democratic forces the world over have to increase their intervention manifold so that divisive and fundamentalist forces are not able to divert the popular discontent into self-destructive channels.