Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 35 August 29, 2004 |
To Strengthen PSUs’
a seminar on the relevance of PSUs in the present socio-economic and political
situation, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury called upon the people to
unitedly fight for safeguarding and strengthening of the public sector in our
country. He emphasised that the PSUs were the main bulwark in defending the
country’s sovereignty, particularly from the imperialist countries MNCs.
was the main speaker at this seminar organised jointly by Mecon Executive
Association and Institution of Engineers, Jharkhand Chapter. It was held at the
Engineers Association Auditorium, Ranchi on August 22 The seminar was attended
by executives, employees and other intellectuals among whom included officers
and employees of Mecon, SAIL, Heavy Engineering Corporation, Central Coalfields
Limited, CMPDIL, Coal Mines Officers Association, LIC and GIC, several banks,
Central Water Board, central government employees, professors and lecturers of Ranchi University and others. The seminar was
presided over by Mecon Executive Association president Swadhin Mukherjee and
Institution of Engineers, Jharkhand chapter president Dr A K Chatterjee, general
secretary of MEA Goutham Chatterjee placed a background paper highlighting the
importance of public sector in industrial development, in fulfilling the social
responsibilities and for ensuring self-reliance of the country’s economy.
Yechury in his address traced the history and background of establishment of
public sector in India and the attitude of the monopoly capital in the present
stage of globalisation. He highlighted the relevant portion of the common
minimum programme of the UPA government and the stand taken by the Left
regarding approaches for strengthening the public sector. Yechury emphasised that the public sector remains the bulwark
in defending country’s sovereignty against the attack of multinational
companies and imperialists in the ongoing process of globalisation. He stressed
that the public sector should be made professionally competent and through
industry-wise mergers like coal, steel etc, they can become giant global players
for country’s interest. He pointed out the need for revival of sick industries
wherever possible.
stressed that knowing the basic character of the UPA government, the
expectations of the people on strengthening of public sector cannot be fulfilled
without a united struggle. The political initiatives taken by the Left inside
the parliament and in the coordination committee must be complemented with the
mass movement from below involving all sections, said Yechury. This alone would
ensure the implementation of CMP and strengthening of the public sector, he