Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 33 August 15, 2004 |
Set For Peasant Struggle
joint forum of eight peasant organisations of Kerala has decided to launch a
long drawn out agitation until the grievances of the peasants in Kerala are
redressed. This decision comes in the backdrop of the UDF government’s
criminal apathy to the continuing spree of peasant suicides in Kerala. The
Antony government was a silent onlooker to this tragedy without taking any
measures to ameliorate the peasant problem.
off all agricultural debts.
immediately all attachment and confiscation measures.
financial aid to the families of the peasants who committed suicide.
legislation to protect peasants from usurious money-lending mafia.
public distribution of food grain and other necessities to peasants.
an integrated insurance programme for the peasants.
the peasant welfare programme announced by the earlier LDF government.
the “patta” distribution initiated by the LDF government
a scheme of providing employment to one lakh peasants.
this nine-point charter of demands would not suffice to fully protect the
peasants who are gripped by the tentacles of extreme poverty and debt. But at
least achieving these nine demands would alleviate the suffering of the
peasantry a bit.
The agitation is also to compel the government to act instead of sitting
silent even while scores of peasants are committing suicide for faults not of
their own, but of the policies of the government. The LPG measures have
virtually ruined the agriculture of the state. The tea and coffee estates are
virtually closed down. Rubber plantations are on the threshold of extermination.
While the peasants work hard, the benefits go to the multinationals and big
business houses that rob them off with all help from the UDF government.
to this has been the untimely weather conditions which has created a situation
of drought in Kerala. Antony government proved its inefficiency yet again when
it failed to ensure a visit of a delegation from the centre in time to the state
to assess the gravity of drought situation. Accordingly, the delegation to
assess the drought impact came to Kerala during the monsoon and as such the
delegation is sure to have judged that there is no impact of drought on
agriculture. The nature of Kerala is such that one or two rains would bring the
whole scene full of greenery and this would have certainly deceived the eyes and
minds of the members of the delegation.
this prevailing situation, the peasant organisations have decided to conduct a
phased struggle.
And accordingly they went on a big march to the secretariat on
August 4 and will also march to the collectorates on August 13.
On August 17, the ‘State Peasants Day’, peasant leaders plan to go on
an indefinite hunger strike while from August 20, scores of peasants will picket
the government offices in the state.
leaders of the joint forum of peasant organisations stated that this ongoing
struggle is intended to make the government and ministers open their eyes to the
plight of the peasants. Despite the growing number of peasant suicides in the
state, the government is not ready for a serious discussion on the issue. The
government is ignoring all appeals and memoranda presented by the peasants. It
is not even ready to write off the debts or even postpone attachment steps. The
leaders of the joint forum have appealed to all sections in the state to help
the struggle by all means.
Agriculture is a crucial sector of our society. When it is on the verge
of destruction, some ministers are in a hurry to go on foreign visits and host
feasts and other carnivals Who says modern Neros are not fiddling as Kerala