No. 29 July 18, 2004 |
2004-05: Backsliding On CMP
are two and only two possible trajectories of economic policy in the
contemporary world: either to open up to global capital and commodity flows and
let the domestic economy adjust to their consequences over which the government
has little control; or to mould the domestic economy according to certain social
objectives, in which case its openness to global capital and commodity flows
must be restricted. This is why “liberalisation with a human face” is an
impossibility. If the “human face” is to be preserved then restrictions have
to be put on “liberalisation”. On the other hand if “liberalisation”
is to be persisted with, then one has to forget about the “human face”, as
the country has been doing for the last thirteen years. This is why there is a
fundamental contradiction between the central thrust of the Common Minimum
Programme with all its limitations (since it promises employment guarantee etc.)
and neo-liberal economic policies.
2004-05 budget acquired importance in this context: which way is the UPA
government going to move? And the answer is clear: it has chosen to persist with
neo-liberal policies and backslide on the Common Minimum Programme.
the budget has been hailed as being “pro-poor” and “pro-farmer”, and
“having a vision for agriculture, irrigation and rural development”. Nothing
could be farther from the truth. The outlay for the Department of Agriculture
and Co-operation remains at the same level as the NDA’s interim budget, Rs
3014 crore. There is no additional outlay over what the interim budget had
provided for the food-for work programme; and the extension of coverage from 1.5
crore to 2 crore families under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana had also figured
already in the NDA’s interim budget.
paradoxically, for a government committed to Rural Employment Guarantee, there
is a marked decline in Central Plan
outlay on rural employment compared to 2003-04 (RE), from Rs 9,640 crore to Rs
4,590 crore. True, the outlay for 2003-04 was inflated because several rural
areas were declared “calamity-affected”, and the finance minister has
promised financial assistance upon request this year too; but even if we remove
this special component from both years’ figures the outlay actually decreases
from Rs 4,751.25 crore to Rs 4,310 crore. If we take the outlay for the
Department of Rural Development as a whole, again excluding the “calamity
relief” component, the increase is meagre, from Rs 10,612 crore to Rs 11,437
crore. No doubt there are off-budget measures promised, such as the Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund, and the doubling of credit to agriculture over
three years, but the budget itself is extraordinarily niggardly towards
agriculture and rural development, contrary to the promise of the National
Common Minimum Programme.
budget does bow in the direction of the Common Minimum Programme by raising the
amount of budgetary support for the Plan by Rs 10,000 crore over the provisions
of the interim budget. Of this however a significant amount of Rs 4,910 crore
according to the Receipts Budget,
which is financed by the two per cent cess levied on five taxes, should go for
education. The remainder is too small to make much difference. By contrast,
defence expenditure has gone up by Rs 11,000 crore over and above the sum
provided by even the interim budget of the BJP-led government. Questioning the
need for such an enormous jump in defence expenditure may not be de
rigeur, but the contrast between the attitudes to defence and to rural
development is quite striking, more characteristic of the NDA than of the UPA.
It comes as no surprise that the NDA’s former finance minister Yashwant Sinha
has expressed “satisfaction” over the increase in defence outlay while
calling the education cess, perhaps the most positive feature of the budget, a
“mindless act”!
is dubious about the budget is not just its commitment to the Common Minimum
Programme, but also its macroeconomics. The relentless pursuit of
neo-liberalism, especially during the NDA years, had imposed a drastic deflation
on the economy, compressing aggregate demand, and giving rise to a combination
of unutilised industrial capacity, unsold foodstocks, and increased
unemployment. Boosting domestic demand through increased government expenditure,
and doing so via increased outlays in rural India, was the obvious need of the
hour. The budget not only does not raise outlays in rural India
significantly, it does not even give much boost, as it stands, to aggregate
demand in the economy. This is so for two reasons: first, the fiscal deficit
is supposed to come down from 4.8 per cent of the GDP in 2003-04 (RE) to 4.4 per
cent in 2004-05, which is contractionary per
se; and secondly, since a large chunk of defence expenditure would go for
equipment imports, representing a demand leakage from the economy, the 27.7 per
cent increase in defence expenditure, which significantly alters the composition
of public expenditure, would have a further contractionary effect. In short, the
budget as it stands does not free the economy from the scourge of deflation.
as almost everyone recognises, the revenue estimates of the budget are grossly
unrealistic. Income tax revenue is budgeted to rise by 26.5 per cent over the
revised estimates of 2003-04, despite the fact that as many as 14 million tax
payers out of a total number of 27 million tax assessees, are being taken out of
the tax net. (This measure incidentally has to be rectified since in its present
form it introduces anomalies such that people with higher pre-tax incomes end up
having lower post-tax incomes in absolute terms compared to those with lower pre-tax incomes).
Corporation tax revenue is expected to grow at an even more phenomenal rate,
40.4 per cent. The budget has of course increased the rate of service tax from 8
to 10 per cent and extended its coverage. It has also introduced an extremely
innovative tax on stock market transactions, though it has removed the tax on
long-term capital gains, entirely without any justification. (Interestingly, the
introduction of a stock market transactions tax, in addition of course to
capital gains taxation, and larger service sector taxation had been advocated by
a Convention of economists, organised by Social
Scientist and Sahmat, in Delhi on
July 5). But a major assumption behind the revenue estimates is that a “tidy
sum” would be fetched from all tax arrears, which is rather sanguine.
in the likely event of tax revenues falling short of budget estimates, the
government cuts back on expenditures in order to meet the fiscal deficit target,
then the deflationary scourge on the economy would persist and the Common
Minimum Programme would remain even more of a chimera. But if the revenue
shortfall gets covered by a larger fiscal deficit, then aggregate demand would
receive a boost, and the Common Minimum Programme targets would appear less
remote. True, even in such a case, we would not have used the best means of
boosting aggregate demand, viz. through rural development expenditure; we would
have essentially boosted demand through tax-cuts on middle income groups and
some increase in Plan outlays (apart from the limited stimulus of defence
expenditure). But at least there would have been some escape from the scourge of
is important therefore that the finance minister should stick to his expenditure
targets even in the event of a revenue shortfall. Such a course would no doubt
be contrary to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, but that is
a piece of legislation with which the government must not tie itself down.
Inspired by Right-wing American ideologues like Buchanan, and meant to appease
finance capital which is always opposed to State activism in matters of
expenditure, this Act constitutes an insult to intelligence: “Thou shalt not
have a fiscal deficit exceeding a certain proportion of GDP from now to
eternity” cannot possibly be accepted as an immutable value-judgement. In the
EU where there is a limit on fiscal deficits under the Maastricht Treaty, as
part of the currency unification process, France and Germany have recently been
violating the limit. In the US where the preachings on fiscal orthodoxy
originate, the recent boom has been stimulated by a substantial expansion of the
fiscal deficit under Bush. And yet in India the NDA has tied everybody’s hands
by enacting this law which is theoretically absurd. In a demand-constrained
system harping on keeping down the fiscal deficit is bad economics, apart from
being socially retrograde; and this is all the more so when the expenditure
financed by the fiscal deficit creates demand within the public sector itself
and hence gives rise to larger public sector profits. (These theoretical
arguments are discussed in my paper “The Humbug of Finance” in Frontline,
February 4, 2000).
quite apart from general theoretical considerations, there is a further specific
reason why this Act is absurd at the present juncture. We have had huge foreign
exchange inflows through FIIs. The RBI quite rightly has prevented the rupee
from appreciating too much (and thereby precipitating a domestic de-industrialisation)
by holding on to reserves which currently exceed 120 billion dollars. The
high-powered money created as a consequence has boosted bank reserves even
though the demand for bank credit from quarters which the banks consider creditworthy (which
unfortunately excludes the peasantry and petty producers) has been limited. To
support banks’ profitability the RBI has been putting government securities
into their portfolios (in what are misleadingly called “sterilisation”
operations). In the process however the RBI’s own holding of government
securities has gone down dramatically, and with it the RBI’s own
decline in RBI’s profitability is significant not only in itself but also for
an additional reason, namely that much of the finance for rural credit through
NABARD comes from the RBI’s profits. With the drying up of the RBI’s profits
there has been a drying up of such funds for rural credit as well. It is
extremely urgent that additional government securities be put into the RBI’s
portfolio. For the government to refuse to do so because its hands are tied by
the Fiscal Responsibility Act is folly beyond belief. In short, to have a Fiscal Responsibility Act that limits the size of
the fiscal deficit when there are no controls over the inflow of finance from
abroad is plain illogical. This bit of absurdity inherited from the NDA
government must be done away with. At any rate the finance minister, if he is
serious about his commitment to the Common Minimum Programme, should pay little
heed to it.
commitment also requires a degree of control over capital flows into and out of
the country, a pre-condition, as everybody must recognise after the Asian
currency crisis, for overcoming thraldom to the caprices of globalised finance.
Unfortunately, the budget not only shows no recognition of this, but has even
taken a few limited steps towards increasing the role of globalised finance in
our economy, such as raising the investment ceiling for FIIs in debt-funds from
1 billion to 1.75 billion dollars, and allowing banks, including foreign banks,
greater latitude in the capital market. Indeed while the RBI governor had spoken
recently with legitimate concern about “India becoming a parking place for
dollars”, the finance minister in contrast wants to make the Indian capital
market “attractive” for globalised finance.
his decision to raise the FDI cap in telecommunications, civil aviation and
insurance is a thoroughly unwarranted step. His claim that the insurance sector
meets the Common Minimum Programme criteria for FDI defies logic. The
government-owned insurance companies in India have far greater experience, far
larger reach, far greater social commitment, far greater expertise, and a far
better record of honouring claims than foreign companies. To induct the latter
into the economy serves no other purpose than gratuitously handing over a chunk
of the lucrative Indian market to them. Raising the FDI cap in
telecommunications hands over a strategic area to foreign investors, and in the
process goes beyond what even the NDA had dared to do. And raising the cap in
civil aviation amounts to giving foreign companies, again quite gratuitously, a
share of the profitable Indian market at a time when the global industry
continues to be in crisis.
budget does of course put forward proposals to strengthen the healthy public
sector enterprises with equity support of Rs 14 194 crore and to set up a Board
for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises to advise the government on the
measures to restructure ailing Public Sector Enterprises. But, this healthy
concern for the public sector is belied by the plan to disinvest in NTPC.
intellectual Gresham’s Law is operating in economics these days whereby bad
economics drives out good economics. A completely erroneous proposition, namely
that a fiscal deficit can be “closed” through disinvestment proceeds, has
become “acceptable” and underlies the NTPC-disinvestment. But since those
buying such equity do so not by skimping on their flow expenditures on
consumption or even investment (surely even the government itself does not want
private investment going down for financing the purchase of equity), covering a
fiscal deficit through disinvestment proceeds is different from covering it
through taxes, which do curtail flow expenditures. In fact, since the whole
rationale for covering a fiscal deficit at all arises from the presumed need to
ensure that the economy does not face excess demand pressures, “covering” a
fiscal deficit through disinvestment is no “covering” at all. It merely
constitutes an unnecessary and unwarranted transfer of public assets to the
private sector.
implementation of the Common Minimum Programme requires a strengthening of state
government finances, which are in a crisis for no fault of theirs. The two main
reasons for this crisis are: the implementation of the Fifth Pay Commission
recommendations in line with the centre, which the states could not possibly
avoid doing; and the exorbitant interest rates charged on central loans to the
states. While the budget does reduce interest rates on fresh central loans to
nine per cent, it is silent on the issue of debt write-off, which even the NDA
government’s Planning Commission had proposed for non-Small Savings debt. And
the eagerness to introduce VAT when there has been no study whatsoever of its
consequences and when the centre’s promise of full compensation to states
extends only to one year, is completely unjustified. (The case of Haryana which
has made a revenue gain from the introduction of VAT cannot be cited to other
states since Haryana is a virtually metropolitan state). The
introduction of VAT has the potential to inflict great damage on state
government finances, and hence should be eschewed until its consequences are
better understood.
began by saying that “liberalisation with a human face” is an impossibility,
that the immanent logic of “liberalisation” pushes governments, no matter
what their political complexion, into bowing to the caprices of globalised
finance, and hence necessarily having to sacrifice welfare objectives (whose
achievement therefore requires abandoning the neo-liberal path). But, of course
the outlook of the UPA leaders is different. They believe that a reconciliation
of “liberalisation” with the welfare of the masses is possible. The 2004-05
budget would have been the means for them to show how such reconciliation is
possible. What we have instead is little of “the
human face”, but a continuation, perhaps in a less brazen manner than the NDA,
of “liberalisation”.