No. 29 July 18, 2004 |
A joint meeting of the central trade union organisations – AITUC, AICCTU, CITU, HMS, INTUC, TUCC, UTUC and UTUC-LS was held on July 12, 2004 at New Delhi to discuss the union budget 2004-05 presented by the finance minister of the UPA government on July 8, 2004. Following is the statement issued by the CTUOs after the meeting:
we welcome the proposals in the budget for augmenting investment and welfare
measures for the agricultural and rural economy covering major sections of our
population, including commitment to implement at least 100 days employment
guarantee scheme and employment through food for work, we however express
serious concern over several of the ominous steps announced. We also take a
serious view of certain shortcomings therein, which are against the interests of
the common people and the national economy and in contravention of the basic
spirit of the electoral mandate.
therefore, urge the UPA government to seriously reconsider its approach on the
following issues of urgent importance and make appropriate changes in the
budgetary proposals:
the decision on maintaining 8 per cent interest rate on Special Deposit
Scheme (SDS), GPF and PPF which was reduced from 12 per cent to 8 per cent
by the NDA regime in successive years. Fixing the rate of interest at 8 per
cent will push the rate of interest on Employees Provident Fund further
down. Therefore interest rate on SDS requires upwards revision, keeping in
view the united demand of the trade union movement since April, 2002 for
restoration of the same to 12 per cent.
adequate budgetary allocations for extending social security for the workers
in the unorganised and agricultural sectors, along with steps for early
passage of requisite legislations for these sections on the lines suggested
by the CTUOs.
decision for enhancing FDI cap for telecom, civil aviation and insurance
sectors, which will result in foreign finance capital securing a total grip
over these sectors of economy thereby jeopardising national security and
the taxation on perquisites/welfare benefits imposed during 2001-02 and the
present proposal to subject the terminal benefits of social security scheme
to taxation.
steps for revival of the sick public sector units which are potentially
viable within the PSU framework and make adequate provisions therefor.
all unpaid wages and statutory dues of the workers in all PSUs.
the decision on de-reservation of 85 items from the list earmarked for
small-scale sector. Provide concessional credit to the small scale and tiny
have decided to seek an early meeting with the prime minister to press for the
review of the budgetary proposals in respect of the above issues.
also call upon all the trade unions, irrespective of affiliations, to remain
firm and remain prepared to move into action by unitedly rallying the working
people throughout the country to realise these genuine and pressing demands.
signatories to the statement were: M K Pandhe (CITU), Gurudas Dasgupta (AITUC),
Swapan Mukherjee (AICCTU), A D Nagpal (HMS), G Devarajan (TUCC), Abani Roy (UTUC),
K Chakraborty (UTUC-LS)
INTUC was represented by Chandidas Sinha at the meeting. Though he was
in agreement with most of the demands, he said INTUC had differences over a
couple of issues, which would require him to have consultation with his
organisation. Other CTUOs requested the INTUC to favourably consider joining the
united move by the CTUOs.