No. 29 July 18, 2004 |
AIDWA Says “Inadequate For Women”
The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) general secretary Brinda Karat and president Subhashini Ali have issued the following statement on July 8, 2004 in reaction to union budget 2004-05:
union budget marks a change, though highly inadequate, from the previous NDA
government’s blatantly pro-rich and pro-MNC policies. The concerns expressed
by the finance minister for sections which were hitherto invisible as far as the
NDA government was concerned as, for example, the rural poor and their needs
such as employment, housing, water, is welcome and will benefit women of these
sections. The thrust given to rural infrastructure and increased credit for
farmers is necessary to reverse the anti-farmer policies of the previous regime.
We welcome the steps taken to help the handloom sector which is in crisis and in
which a large number of women are involved.
cess of 2 per cent specifically for education including for the expansion of the
mid-day meal scheme is also welcome. The redesigning of health insurance schemes
including for self-help groups will help women if properly implemented.
the actual increase in budgetary allocations to back up promises should have
been much more if it is to make any difference to the lives of the people. When
the allocation is itself inadequate, then the women’s component of the budget
can hardly increase. At a time when the CMP has to a certain extent recognised
the acute conditions of distress of large sections of the people, it was
expected that the first budget of this government would reflect the commitments
made in the CMP to the poor and working people including those in the
unorganised sector and that it would come up with the concrete steps and massive
expenditures essential to ameliorate the conditions of rural distress and of the
urban poor. In this respect the budget is disappointing. It falls short of the
mandate given to this government across the country against the economic burdens
placed on the shoulders of the poor and the working people by the previous
regime. In particular, women who had hoped that excise duties on cooking gas
would be reduced have been disappointed. The increase of Antyodaya families by
another 50 lakh is definitely not sufficient. Moreover the so-called pilot
scheme of food stamps is a step away from universalisation of the PDS and must
be strongly opposed.
finance minister’s assurance for periodic analysis of gender-based allocations
and presentation of data is welcome. However, it would appear that his
understanding of gender budgeting is only partial. The concept includes a
comprehensive approach to address the discrimination faced by women in all
spheres in the allocation and use of national resources on the basis of
affirmative action. For example, even in the food-for-work schemes announced by
the finance minister for 18 backward districts, women should be assured that at
least 40 per cent of the work would be earmarked for them. Even as the finance
minister has not been bold enough either in resource allocation or in gender
affirmative action, he had raised the FDI levels in crucial sectors which is not
in the interests either of industry or of the country and which should be