Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 22 May 30, 2004 |
K Nayanar: A Legendary Leader Of The Masses
Ramachandran Pillai
association with Comrade E K Nayanar dates back to as early as 1960s and since
then I have had an opportunity to work with him in various forums of the Party
--- Kerala state committee, state secretariat, Central Committee and Polit
Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). One may come across a leader
like him very rarely. E K Nayanar, one of the most popular leaders of the
Communist movement in Kerala, was one of the most simple, straightforward and
open-minded leaders that we have had.
would like to use an epithet used by a Malayalam poet to describe a peasant, to
describe Nayanar. As the legend goes, the poet attributed the quality of a
peasant to that of a coconut, which goes like as follows: “Though its outer
surface is rough and hard, the kernel inside is soft and sweet.”
may not have come across many leaders who have always been with the masses ---
in their sorrows and joys. People considered Nayanar as one among them, who
spoke their language. He had a unique style to interact with people. His
speeches were full of rustic logic, satire, question and apt replies. In public
meetings, there was no gap between Nayanar and the audience. They all moved
together. Through the waves of laughter, he always managed to explain the
political line of the Party. A style which was truly inimitable.
had a unique style of functioning. For example, before a decision is taken in
the Party on an issue, Nayanar expressed his views in his characteristic style.
But after a decision was taken, he implemented it in its sincerity. There have
been occasions, where the decision taken was contrary to his opinion, but after
a call was taken by the Party on the issue, he was the front-runner in
implementing them.
never allowed any concessions to anyone on the Party decisions. If he decided to
express his opinion or Party’s views, then nobody could stop him. I do
remember an incident, which involved him and late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.
one of the meetings, which, was attended by Comrade E K Nayanar as the chief
minister, Rajiv Gandhi decided to proceed to another item in the agenda without
giving him an opportunity to speak on an important issue. As a mark of protest,
Nayanar turned his back to the dais by turning the chair and sat. A stunned
Rajiv Gandhi, who was chairing the meeting, apologised and tried to persuade
him. But, Nayanar relented only when he was allowed to speak on the issue.
was a voracious reader who read whatever came across him. He had the habit of
preparing detailed notes on them. Even when the illness tried to subdue him,
whenever he got an opportunity to lay his hand on a book, he never gave it up.
was a witness to an interesting discussion he had with the famous painter Ms
Anjoli Ila Menon, at the Escort Hospital in New Delhi.
He was reading Anna
Kareena the
day after angioplasty. Ms Menon, who was undergoing treatment for some heart
ailment in the same hospital. She was in a wheelchair and came to Nayanar and
asked him about the book he was reading. On learning that it was Anna
Ms Menon jokingly told him: “Don’t try to push up your blood pressure by
reading a love story the day after angioplasty.”
reply was that he was always young at heart and liked love stories. Ms Menon did
not continue the discussion, as she was unsure about the next reply that Nayanar
might give. Even when he was recently admitted in Thiruvananthapuram Medical
Hospital, had a bundle of books in his room for reading.
had the innate ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the cadres
he worked with. He always gave priority to the interests of the Party and did
not allow his personal interests to subordinate it. He was a true disciplined
soldier of the Party, who was an agitator, propagandist and a lovable
administrator who knew the likes, dislikes and needs of the people. All the
qualities of a good Communist was blended in him in a fine proportion.
death of Comrade Nayanar is an irreparable loss to the Communist, Left,
progressive and democratic movement in the country.