Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 09 February 29, 2004 |
Of Mediocrity Against Creativity
Against Attacks on Culture
of mediocrity against creativity is a characteristics of fascism, said noted
economist, Professor Prabhat Patnaik, talking about the spate of vandalism
against art, culture, history and other institutions in various parts of the
country, while addressing a convention of writers, artistes and other
intellectuals held in the Constitution Club, New Delhi, on February 21.
joint convention of writers, artistes and cultural activists was organised by
the Janvadi Lekhak Sangh (JLS), Progressive Writers Association (PWA), Jan
Sanskriti Manch (JSM), Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT), Jan Natya Manch (Janam),
Act One and Jan Sanskriti, apart from the magazines Udbhavana,
Samayantar, Hans and Communalism
Combat. To fight the attacks on culture and freedom of expression was the
declared aim of the convention.
presidium comprising Professor Namwar Singh, Dr Ashok Mitra, Geetha Hariharan
and Professor Sudhir Chandra conducted the proceedings of the convention.
to the attacks on creative and intellectual works in Pune, Surat, Bhopal,
Udaipur and some other cities in the past month or so, Professor Patnaik said
these are expressive of authoritarianism and communalism at one level but are
also expressive of an assault of mediocrity against creativity. In fact, fascism
sees excellence where there is nothing but mediocrity, and to the learned
speaker this is precisely what we see today in the ‘India Shining’ campaign
of the central government. Moreover, fascism always feels insecure about its
appeal and that is why whenever its self-delusion is punctured, it not only
blames others (for example, intellectuals and media), accusing them of
‘distortion’ and ‘wrong presentation’ of facts, but also becomes
after the welcome address by JLS general secretary Chanchal Chauhan, eminent
photographer and artiste Ram Rahman gave an account of the attacks that have
taken place on the works of visual art in the past one month. He also gave
concrete examples of how such attacks have led to the loss of several valuable
works of art forever. This is not only because art works have been destroyed but
also because many works of Indian art, which were lying abroad and could have
been brought here for display, have been sold out by their connoisseurs to
others in sheer desperation. Finally, he also lamented the lapse of memory on
part of the media who have forgotten how journalists were systematically
targeted by the saffron goons at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992, when the Babri
Masjid was being brought down.
columnist, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, also recalled the ‘India Shining’
campaign being run with taxpayers’ money and drew a parallel with the US where
George Bush’s administration is running a similar campaign to paint a rosy
picture of job creation and what not. Moreover, both these campaigns are based
on same methods, like manipulation of statistics, Thakurta pointed out.
Supreme Court advocate Rajeev Dhawan said we are living in the midst of a
sectarian horror as has not been seen for a long time. Moreover, this is the
time of “a constitutional carnage” when the powers-that-be are playing havoc
with the basic tenets of our constitution. For the BJP controlled state
governments, Dhawan used the words “rogue states” which, along with the
central government, are engaged in not only legal but also extra-legal
persecution of all dissent and creativity. This is not the problem of artistes
alone but of all of us, he said.
Hindi writer, Prayag Shukla, detailed the way Shail Choyal, an artiste, is being
persecuted at Udaipur for a set of posters that were not even put up for
display. JLS working president and Zehn-e-Jadeed
editor Zubair Rizvi lamented that resistance to communalism and fascism is
dwindling in our society, adding that to be effective resistance building has to
be a continuous process. JSM secretary Ajay Singh, Janam activist Sudhanva
Deshpande, veteran socialist scribe Mast Ram Kapoor, and Murli Manohar Prasad
Singh, a leader of university teachers’ movement, also addressed the
the presidium, English fiction writer, Geetha Hariharan, stressed the fact that
the attacks taking place against writers, artists and cultural activists are no
spontaneous attacks but have a design behind them. She also emphasised the need
of forging a critical stance for fighting these acts of vandalism.
point was reiterated by Professor Sudhir Chandra who recalled Gandhi’s advice,
at a prayer meeting in the midst of the communal holocaust of 1946-47, that
everyone must learn to see to oneself. By their acts, the communal vandals have
made it clear that they have no regard for the viewpoint of those who disagree
with them.
economist Dr Ashok Mitra characterised the present situation in the country as
the “total Indian re-run of the German situation in 1933-45.” He also
lamented that we have been very wrongly interpreting and implementing the
concept of secularism so far. For our rulers, secularism did not mean total
separation of religion from politics but equal appeasement of all religions. The
construction of a government office does not start without bhoomipujan
and a coconut is broken when a ship is to set sail in the ocean. There are
several little idiosyncrasies of this kind in our day to day life, and nobody
has the courage to stand up and say that this is wrong. Dr Mitra’s contention
was clear: this kind of ‘tolerance’ has only gone in favour of the communal
last speaker at the convention was Hindi critic, Professor Namwar Singh, who
talked of an ongoing attempt at regimentation of whole life and this, he said,
is taking place for the first time in India. He also said that, contrary to
earlier days, communal forces are today so much emboldened as to even praise
Hitler. In this regard, he quoted from a newspaper report the BJP’s West
Bengal state president Tathagat Roy’s statement that Hitler paid attention to
road development during 1933-45 and that our prime minister is doing the same
thing. Moreover, the present regime is even hungry for certificates from
Pakistan and US, claiming that they too want the BJP-led government to return to
the speakers emphasised the need to approach the common man to make him
participate in the struggle against communalism and fascism.
this occasion, some books were also released. Contrary to the earlier World Book
Fairs, this time the National Book Trust had said that no book could be released
in the World Book Fair 2004 without its prior permission. This is yet another
attempt to browbeat the writers into submission, and the only prominent book
released in the fair this time was of the prime minister’s poetry. Hence the
compulsion to release some books at the said convention. Here, Professor Sudhir
Chandra released a set of seven Hindi books brought out by Samanantar,
Gorakhpur, while Professor Namwar Singh released a collection of Hindi short
stories by Nandkishore Nandan.
(On this occasion SAHMAT published a poster and a booklet titled ‘Barbarian At The Gate.’)