Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 03 January 18, 2004 |
Oppose all efforts at communal mobilisation which disturb peace and harmony; the Ayodhya dispute should be resolved by a judicial verdict which should be accepted by all sides.
Halt government’s policies which kill employment. Stop the dismantling of the public sector and increase public investment in all spheres of the economy and public expenditure in the social sector to generate employment. Start employment schemes and food for work programmes.
Stop the curtailment of public distribution system; provide universal coverage for the PDS. Till then expand the scope of the below poverty line category and ensure that all sections of the poor get BPL cards. Reduce the prices of foodgrains supplied in this category
Make the right to strike a fundamental right for all sections of the working people. Support the February 24 general strike called to defend the right to strike.
The central government should stop imposing its policies of liberalisation and privatisation on the state governments through conditionalities for grants and for devolution of funds.