Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 03 January 18, 2004 |
Recent Announcement of Safety Net for Unorganised Workers
a statement issued from New Delhi on January 8, the secretariat of the Centre of
Indian Trade Unions (CITU) said the NDA government is in a hurry “to make
announcements on the so-called social security for the unorganised sector
workers and on many other things before the election is announced.” According
to the CITU, in its haste, while throwing before the press the so-called pilot
scheme on pension for informal sector workers the NDA cabinet “did not bother
to set out the minimum basic requirement on structuring the scheme to make it a
credible one.”
CITU pointed out that the NDA government’s communique issued to the press,
outlining the said scheme, stipulated the coverage of “the entire working
population in the informal economy,” which means 37 crore people. But the
truth is that the pilot scheme is slated to cover only around 10 lakh workers in
selected states. Moreover, as reported in the media, these states are yet to be
scheme has not included the workers within the 36-50 age group unless they make
a contribution of Rs 200 per month to purchase their pension. One will note that
the said age group accounts for an overwhelming majority of the unorganised
sector workers. Moreover, the CITU recalled that by the government’s own
admission, the national floor level minimum wage is only Rs 1800, adding that in
reality what many workers are getting is below that level. Hence, the CITU
statement asked, “is it at all practical to ask them to shed off Rs 200 every
month for the future and still survive as human beings at present?”
official communiqué stipulates that the “scheme will be a fully funded and
actuarially valued scheme.” But the proposed scheme of generation of fund is
based on contributions from workers, those from employers (who are not
identifiable in most of the cases in unorganised sector) and only 1.16 per cent
contribution on Rs1800 (national floor level minimum wage) by the government.
This, the CITU pointed out, can in no way ensure even Rs 500 pension for any
substantial section of the unorganised sector workers, where there is no fixed
age of retirement, not to speak of covering the “entire working population”
as being loudly claimed by the government.
government’s communique said the Employees Provident Fund Organisation would
be administering the scheme. But, from its dismal tract record of handling the
employees pension scheme since 1995, exposing its failure to deliver pensionary
benefit to more than 80 per cent of retired employees in the organised sector,
the fate of the proposed scheme for the unorganised sector can be anybody’s
The CITU statement summed up by saying that the NDA government’s pilot scheme on the so-called social safety for the unorgnaised sector workers is meant more for public consumption during the run-up to the forthcoming election than for full-fledged implementation. “And that is why after making exercise for more than one and half year on the proposed unorganised sector workers bill, the NDA government has ended up in shelving the bill and floating the so-called ‘pilot scheme’ without proper financial back-up, the real future of which is still uncertain as per the statement of government spokesperson herself,” the CITU statement added.
CITU said the scheme is thus more of an election stunt rather than a reflection
of the real intention to provide meaningful social safety net to the unorganised
sector workers. (INN)