Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 35 August 31, 2003 |
Out of the 669 elected delegates from the district committees and from state level unions, 655, including 95 women (14.5 per cent), attended the ninth state conference of the CITU. Among the delegates, 480 were workers and the rest were whole time functionaries. As for the break up sector-wise, 183 were from unorganised sector, 95 were from organised sector and 91 were office employees. Among the delegates, 283 were regular workers, 35 contract workers and 140 were daily wage workers. From among the wholetimers, 63 had resigned their job, 32 were dismissed, 17 were retired people. 90 comrades had become wholetimers from other fronts. Those attending a state conference for the first time numbered 271 and those who had joined CITU after 1990 were 261 delegates.