No. 33 August 17, 2003 |
Campaign Begins
at New Delhi on July 26 and 27, with its president Paturu Ramayya in chair, the
central working committee of the All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU)
heard reports from different states indicating lack of work fot this class on
account of mechanisation of agriculture, flood and drought conditions. Apart
from these, government employment in development activity has gone down and even
the food for work programme is using machines instead of workers, defeating its
very objective. At the same time, prices of food items are rising, making it
impossible for the largely unemployed agricultural workers to buy food. Despite
huge stocks rotting in the FCI godowns, starvation affects almost all states,
with nearly 3000 dying of hunger in Andhra alone, where AIAWU and like-minded
organisations set up 203 camps to provide immediate relief. Such conditions lead
to bondage, sexual exploitation of migrant labour and the sale of children.
In this serious situation, the AIAWU has called for an immediate campaign at the village level (with every one of our district committee members actively participating) on the failure of the government to provide drought relief, food for work and famine relief to the poor; food thorough the PDS at Antodaya and Annapoorna rates to all below the poverty lines; a living wage, employment and land to the tiller and social amenities. This programme must begin immediately and go on through to August 15, when a memorandum or demands charter would be submitted to district and local authorities.
From September 1 to October 1, state committees will take up issues like a revision of minimum wages and a guarantee of 122 days work to each agricultural labourer; state level comprehensive legislation for agricultural labour; a comprehensive central legislation for this class; and the demand for BPL cards for all agricultural labour and rations at affordable rates, to be coupled with local issues. This campaign would culminate with the presentation of demand charters to government offices by mass deputations, with the agitation to speed implementation to be undertaken in October and November.
meeting also fixed a membership quota of 34,12,000 to be completed for this
year, and finalised last year’s membership at 28,51,466. The meeting decided
to hold a class of the northern leaders in Uttar Pradesh and for the south in
Bangalore, in December. The meeting condoled the deaths of Comrades Jag Mohan
and Sohan Singh Basi (former working committee and general council Members). It
co-opted veteran Telengana comrade K Krishnamurthy as a permanent invitee to the
central working committee.
meeting was attended by S R Pillai, A Vijayaraghavan, Suneet Chopra, Hannan
Mollah, and Sarangadhar Paswan from the centre; Ambika Prasad Mishra and Brij
Lal Bharti (UP); Dinesh Kumar (Bihar); Vasudev Jamsher (Punjab); C T Krishnan
and T Chattu (Kerala); N Venkataswamy, B Venkat, T Nirmala and K Krishnamurthy
(Andhra); N Nityanand Swamy (Karnataka); Bhura Mal Swami (Rajasthan); Dharamvir
Singh (Haryana), Kumar Shiralkar (Maharashtra) and S Thirunavakkarasu (Tamilnadu).