No. 32 August 10, 2003 |
Supreme Court judgement regarding the dismissal of 170,000 state government
employees in Tamilnadu constitutes a severe assault on the rights of the working
class. The two-member bench, hearing a batch of petitions challenging the mass
dismissals based on the draconian ordinance which amended the Tamilnadu
Essential Services Maintenance Act, not only refused to strike down the
ordinance but justified the state government’s drastic action against the
striking employees. The bench observed “state has taken appropriate action as
there is no alternative today to deal with the strike”. However, the court
asked the state government to “show magnanimity and grace” and take back the
dismissed employees on their tendering an unconditional apology for joining the
“illegal strike” and an undertaking that they would abide by the conduct
rules in future.
delivering the judgement on August 6, disposing off the petitions regarding the
dismissal of the employees, the court stated that government employees “under
no circumstances have any fundamental legal or moral right to go on
strike….Even the trade unions, who have a guaranteed right for collective
bargaining, have no right to go on strike.” Going further with their
anti-strike tirade, the bench said “No political party or organisation can
claim a right to paralyse the economic and industrial activities of a state or
inconvenience the citizens.”
unprecedented judgement unfortunately goes against the fundamental rights of
workers to form associations and unions, to collective bargaining and to resort
to strike action following the procedures set out by law. The government of
India is a signatory to the ILO convention which recognizes the civil and
political rights of public employees just as of other workers. ILO conventions
have set out some core rights of workers and employees which are violated by the
observations of the Supreme Court bench. The
Tamilnadu employees strike has been brutally suppressed. The judgement of the
court has paved the way for the reinstatement of the bulk of the employees by
their individually tendering apologies. But it has been done by the court on
humanitarian grounds while negating their right to strike and to organise.
The working class movement cannot accept this judicial assault on the
basic rights of the workers and the citizens of the country.
judgement by the highest court in the country, while it directly affects the
rights of lakhs of government employees in the country, has also serious
implications for the fundamental rights of the working people. They must be seen
as part of an increasingly unsympathetic and negative attitude to the rights of
workers and a consequent bias in favour of employers and those who command the
means of production. In the last
one decade the attitude of the higher judiciary to disputes between workers and
managements and the question of the rights of the working class to collectively
protest and go on strike has undergone a change. It reflects the new ethos of
liberalisation, the market principle and the sanctity of contract influencing
the outlook of the judiciary. The dominant outlook of the ruling classes cannot
but affect the various instruments of the state including the judiciary.
the ordinary working people of the country, the changed outlook and values
displayed by the judiciary is a matter of serious concern. In the seventies and
upto the mid-eighties, the higher
judiciary and the Supreme Court in particular had set out a jurisprudence and
given out a series of landmark judgements, which had to a certain extent
strengthened the rights of the working people which helped maintain a balance
between the law and equity.
is no more so. In the decade since liberalisation, the higher judiciary has
adapted itself to the new values which are espoused by the dominant sections of
society. In 1996, the then chief justice of the Supreme Court had in a lecture
stated that “liberalisation was consistent with socialism because equitable
distribution first required wealth creation”. Along with the undue reluctance
and failure to judicially intervene to check the growing abuse and misuse of the
privatisation drive, the higher judiciary showed
itself hostile to the assertion of the working people of their rights
through strikes and protest actions. The Supreme Court in this period has failed
to check the gross misuse of procedures and laws by multinationals and instances
of privatisation. Its failure to stop the sanction to Enron to set up the Dabhol
power plant is the most glaring. In the case of Cogentrix, Balco and other such
instances, the courts refused to entertain them even when there were sufficient
grounds to show that they were done in contravention of existing laws and
procedures. Right now, the court is to hear petitions challenging the decision
to sell off the HPCL and BPCL by the government. It was done by bypassing
parliament which had nationalised these companies through legislation.
In contrast, the Supreme Court upheld the Kerala High Court’s judgement in 1997 banning bandhs. This was followed up by the Supreme Court refusing to set aside the Kerala High Court decision to prohibit hartals. From declaring bandhs and "forcible" hartals illegal, the next step has been taken in the Tamilnadu judgement where the right to strike itself has been questioned and arbitrary observations made about how it creates chaos and has to be dealt with firmly by the authorities.
analysis of the trends of the judgements by the Supreme Court which concern the
working class in the last one decade will be a revealing exercise. Increasingly,
the Supreme Court is coming out as a conservative court which does not empathise
with the vast mass of the people who are adversely affected by the
liberalisation process. In 2001, the Supreme Court reversed an earlier judgement
which sought to protect the rights of the contract workers. On an appeal by the
Steel Authority of India Ltd and some other public sector undertakings, the
Supreme Court nullified the gains made by the contract workers through decades
of struggle to assert their right for becoming permanent employees if they are
employed in jobs of a perennial nature. In the earlier judgement of the court in
the Air India case, the contract workers had won the right to become permanent
in certain circumstances. The judgement saw all the trade unions unitedly
protesting what they termed a retrograde and regressive step.
the recent period, there were at least two judgements by the court which struck
down the decision of various high courts which had ordered that a dismissed
worker who was reinstated, should get full back wages. In one of the judgements
setting aside the high court decision, the Supreme Court bench observed
“applying the legal principles the inevitable conclusion is that the high
court committed an error in upholding that the award of full back wages was a
natural consequence” when the dismissal of a worker is set aside.
(reference: Hindustan Motors Vs
Tapan Kumar Bhattacharya, 2002 and Post
Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Vs
Rajkumar, 2001 )
values fostered by liberalisation and the market principle are getting
sanctified judicially. What the BJP-led government would like to push through as
labour reforms by making the entire working force casualised and the capitalists
having unfettered rights to hire and fire, is finding support through judicial
other recent judgements can be cited to underscore the new attitude.
eleven-member Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court took a retrograde
decision this year regarding the educational system. In the case of TMA Pai
Vs the State of Karnataka, the Supreme Court had to clarify the role and
scope of the minority educational institutions in the country. While undertaking
this job, the Constitutional Bench went much beyond the subject before them. It
decreed that private educational institutions in general have unfettered rights
to decide on both the norms for admission and the fees that they should charge.
It reversed the earlier Supreme Court judgement in the Unnikrishnan case which
had prescribed that the state can regulate the norms for admission and fees in
professional colleges. This led to the chaos which was witnessed recently in the
educational system. Private managements raised their fees to astronomical levels
in many states. The court judgement was cited for charging fees to the tune of
rupees three to four lakhs in some of the professional colleges and to challenge
the state government’s scope to regulate them.
again, as in the case of its attitude to the working class, the judgement is
governed by the court’s favourable view of market “competition” and the
sanctity of the right of private managements to decide what fees to set and what
profits to make.
recent judgement decreed that air hostesses of Air India have to be grounded at
the age of 50. This reversed the
Mumbai High Court’s sensible decision that women flight staff could serve till
the age of 58 just like the male staff. In this case, the bench seems to have
not only reinforced gender discrimination but also paid heed to the need for
women to have a “pleasing appearance” as dictated by the market.
Supreme Court has played an important role at crucial junctures, especially in
upholding the secular principle of the Indian state. It has a justified
reputation of being the guardian of the Constitution and the rights of citizens.
Unfortunately, more and more, the court is seen as hostile to the collective
interests of different sections of the working people while being willing to
intervene to redress the grievances of individual citizens. This again reflects
the attitude of the judiciary under the liberalised dispensation. Individual
rights are addressed while the rights of classes who are exploited, or, who do
not control the means of production are not taken cognizance