No. 30 July 27, 2003 |
general secretary of the CPI(M), Harkishen Singh Surjeet, has sent the following
message of greetings to the Central Committee, Communist Party of Cuba on the
historic occasion of the 50th anniversary of the attack on Moncada Garrisson on
July 26, 1953:
Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) sends its warm
fraternal greetings to president Fidel Castro, to the Central Committee and all
members of the Communist Party of Cuba and through it to all Cuban patriots on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Garrison.
insurrectionary attack on the Moncada army garrison in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba's
second- largest city and a
simultaneous attack on the garrison in nearby Bayamo on July 26, 1953 by 160
revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro marked the beginning of the revolutionary
armed struggle against the US backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Though the
attack on the Moncada failed in its immediate aim, it is rightly considered the
day that launched the Cuban Revolution.
Communist Party of India (Marxist) joins Cuba in celebrating the fiftieth
anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Garrison.
entire year 2002 and the first six months of 2003 have seen Cuba successfully
countering the various provocative steps and moves by the Bush administration. A
systematic campaign has been unleashed by the US to malign Cuba by accusing it
of developing biological weapons. President Bush himself has headed this
campaign. He has repeatedly targeted Cuba in speech after speech and arrogantly
declared his resolve to see the end of socialism and the restoration of “free
market democracy” in the island. In
a bid to appease the reactionary émigré circles in Miami, five young Cuban
patriots were sentenced to long prison sentences in the US. The economic
blockade of Cuba continues, defying overwhelming world opinion.
Cuban government has effectively refuted the lies and slander against it.
Despite these accusations, provocative acts and attacks against it, Cuba is
relentlessly marching ahead.
the years, Cuba has steadily overcome the difficult period which it faced
immediately after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the setback to
socialism in the East European countries with whom it had economic ties. Since
1994, the Cuban economy has registered growth. We are happy to note that while
important economic reforms were initiated in the recent years, the socialist
system in Cuba continues to maintain its outstanding record in the social sector
and has maintained its expenditure in the social sector in health, education and
social security payments.
is a beacon light for all the Latin America peoples, who are facing loss of
livelihood and impoverishment due to the neo-liberal policies imposed by the
United States and international finance capital. Cuba is winning more and more
friends in South America much against the wishes of the United States. The
defeat of the anti-Chavez forces in Venezuela and the victory of Luis Inacio
Lula da Silva in Brazil have taken place much to the chagrin of the US. These
victories will provide a boost for the struggle against the policies of
globalisation and liberalisation.
is a source of inspiration for all anti-imperialist forces and those fighting
for socialism and peace. The United States unremitting policy towards Cuba has
been to try to destroy the revolution. But the determination and revolutionary
spirit shown by those young Cubans in the attack on the Moncada Barracks in 1953
continues to inspire a whole nation. The Cuban people's determination to defend
their revolution is a strength for people all around the world fighting for
justice, freedom and socialism.
are confident that in the days ahead, the Cuban people led by the Communist
Party of Cuba and their leader Fidel Castro will march from success to success.