No. 28 July 13, 2003 |
Following is a statement issued by Safdar Hashmi
Memorial Trust (SAHMAT) on June 28, detailing the NCERT’s continuing assault
on history in the form of communalising education:
A MAJOR component of
the present regime’s agenda to communalise education has been its assault on
history through the instrumentality of the various organisations which are
controlled by the union government. The NCERT during the past three years has
been the chief organisation implementing this agenda in the area of school
education. The first set of new history textbooks that it brought out last year
were criticised by historians, teachers, other academics, concerned citizens and
the press throughout the country for their blatant communal distortions and
utter disregard of elementary historical facts. Many schools in Delhi and
elsewhere decided that they would not use these textbooks. SAHMAT brought out a
compilation of the views of experts and teachers and comments in the press under
the title Saffronised and Substandard. The NCERT has brought out a
few more history textbooks as a part of its new series and even a cursory
reading of these shows that there is no let-up in the assault on history; in
fact, new dimensions have now been added to the assault.
One of the new
textbooks is Modern India for Class XII by Satish Chandra Mittal who
retired as a professor of history from Kurukshetra University. In a pamphlet
written by him some years ago, this historian had expressed his unhappiness with
what he called too much emphasis on Hindu-Muslim unity and composite culture in
history books. While the authorities of NCERT decided to discard such books, it
naturally chose him for his known antipathy to such notions to write a new book
to replace one of the existing ones. In his foreword to the new book, NCERT
director has written, “The whole character of history is affected by new
techniques, inventions and outlook.” The book presents an example of the
‘new techniques, inventions and outlook.’ One of the ‘new techniques’
which informs the author’s historical ‘inventions and outlook’ is the
liberty which the author takes with elementary facts of history. The new
historians of NCERT, including the present one, seem to have made taking
liberties with historical facts into a fundamental right. A few examples of the
new historical ‘inventions’ are given here to indicate the general quality
of this book.
On page 246, ‘the
former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, General Dyer’ is stated to have been
shot dead in 1940. [General Dyer had died in 1927 of cerebral haemorrhage. The
Lieutenant Governor who was shot dead was Michael O’Dwyer.]
Five lines later on
the same page [246], quoting a ‘scholar-writer,’ he says that Savarkar
suggested to Subhas Bose to escape from the country, “like his elder brother
Rash Bihari Bose.” [The author is right because all men are brothers and all
Boses are more so.]
Earlier on the same
page [246], it is stated that the formation of the Forward Bloc by Subhas Bose
“invoked sharp reactions from the Gandhiites leading to his resignation from
the presidentship of the Congress.” [Subhas Bose formed the Forward Bloc after
he had resigned from the presidentship of the Congress.]
On the next page
[247], the three senior officers of INA are stated to have been “acquitted.”
[In fact, all of them had been pronounced guilty but were released later.]
On page 168, the
author says, “The Chapekar brothers were caught deceitfully and hanged by two
British officials --- Rand and Aryst.” However, a few pages later [on page
184], the author changes his mind and says, “The Chapekar brothers... decided
to assassinate the two officers [Rand and Ayerst, the latter’s name spelt as
Aryst on p 168 and Ayrst on p 184] which they did on the very day.” [As this
is a book for Class XII and would be the basis for public --- CBSE ---
examination, either of the two statements as answer to an examination question
would be deemed to be correct.]
As is to be
expected, there is quite a lot about Savarkar in the book, including his advice
to Subhas Bose to escape from the country. While there is almost a whole page on
the communists’ ‘opposition’ to the Quit India Movement [pp 243, 244-45],
Savarkar only ‘directed his followers not to take part in the movement’ [p
On an earlier page
[185], Savarkar is stated to have ‘engaged himself in the activities of the
Hindu organisations;’ the organisations including Hindu Mahasabha remain
unnamed. It is nowhere stated in the book that he was a leader of Hindu
Mahasabha and presided over its annual session in 1937 [and also subsequently]
where he expounded his two-nation theory.
On page 185, Jackson
is stated to have been assassinated in Aurangabad but on the next page in Nasik.
There is quite a bit
about Muslim League and Muslim communalism but only a short box item on Hindu
Mahasabha on the same page but nothing on Hindu communalism; Hindu Mahasabha’s
objective was only ‘revival of social and cultural consciousness among the
Hindus.’ [In this box, Savarkar is mentioned among those who ‘participated
in it.’]
The opposition of
the Hindu Mahasabha to the Quit India Movement is not mentioned but it is stated
that the ‘role of the Sikh community was similar to that of the Hindu
The use of the term
‘community’ etc by this author is quite original. In the preface to the
book, he says, “Various castes, classes and communities participated in our
freedom struggle and sacrificed their life for the sake of their country’s
freedom.” He doesn’t say anything about who survived after ‘various
castes, classes and communities’ had ‘sacrificed their life’ in ‘our
freedom struggle’ for ‘their country’s freedom.’
Another textbook
released last week is Contemporary World History, also for Class XII. The
authors are two readers in history from the faculty of NCERT (Mohammed
Anwarul-Haque and Pratyusa K Mandal) and a professor of ancient Indian history (Himansu
S Patnaik) from Utkal University. There has been some controversy about this
book in the press. There was, it seems, another manuscript by another author,
who had been commissioned by the NCERT, and there was also a review workshop to
review it. In March or April, the NCERT decided not to publish it. So the
present book was prepared, apparently without a review workshop. This is the
only book which does not mention ‘Participants of the Review Workshop;’ it
instead mentions the names of ‘Members of the Review Group’ which include,
besides the three authors, one lecturer of a Delhi college, one principal of a
school in Bahadurgarh and two school teachers from Bhopal. Whether this group
met anywhere or the four non-authors reviewed it individually is not stated.
This book adds a new
dimension to the NCERT’s new history; some of it reads like old US-inspired
cold war propaganda stuff of the McCarthyite variety. Soviet Union [and
communism] are stated to be equally responsible, along with Hitler and Nazi
Germany, for the Second World War [p 92, 129, etc]. There was ‘universal
hatred’ for communism which Germany and Japan exploited when they signed that
Anti-Comintern Pact [p 98]. The Truman Doctrine --- of ‘containment’ of
communism --- “was necessitated by the Greek situation.
After the War, communists of the country started a civil war” [p 170].
The anti-communist
hysteria and the spy scare of the McCarthy period, long since denounced in the
US, have found support in the NCERT’s new history. The NCERT historians write,
“Stalin told his secret agents all over the world to steal the US’ secrets.
The Western countries had many people with communist leanings who viewed the
USSR as their true nation. Their treasonable activities helped Stalin get hold
of the blueprints for making an Atom Bomb. He then housed his top nuclear
scientists in a secret location in remote Kazakhstan and coerced them to develop
a bomb” [p 172].
[This year marks the
50th anniversary of the execution of Rosenbergs on the charge of passing atomic
secrets over to the Soviet Union. The execution had shocked the world and
remains a blot on the USA’s judicial history. The New York Times, in an
editorial on the 50th anniversary of the execution (June 19, 2003) wrote, “The
Rosenbergs case still haunts American history, reminding us of the injustice
that can be done when a nation gets caught up in hysteria.” It should be a
matter of some shame that NCERT historians are reviving the atmosphere of that
The secret clauses
of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, according to our cold war warriors,
provided that Ukraine and Byelorussia would go to the USSR [pp 100-01]. Both
these countries had been among the founder republics of USSR in 1922, a fact
which is unknown to these ‘historians.’
The non-aligned
movement just about finds a mention and is denigrated in this Indian book on
contemporary world history published by a ‘national’ body set up by the
government of India. Non-alignment, it says, “has a nervous existence right
from the beginning” [p 175]. While there is little on its role during the cold
war and not a word for its contribution to bringing about the collapse of
colonialism, the authors see it as an organisation like the SEATO or CENTO. They
write, “After the cold war ended, there was talk of folding it up along the
lines of SEATO and CENTO which had become irrelevant” [p 176].
Like the other new
history books of NCERT, this book abounds in factual errors. That the
organisation of the book renders it utterly irrelevant to promoting any
understanding of contemporary history is too obvious to require any detailed
comment. A few examples of the disregard of elementary facts may, however, be in
“In October 1922,
he [Mussolini] organised a ‘March to Rome’ in which hundreds of thousands of
‘Black Shirts’ took part” [pp 81-82]. In fact, there was no march. This is
a myth which was inspired by fascists. The reference to ‘hundreds of
thousands’ is our historians’ original contribution.
book makes some references to the developments in China from 1911 to 1915, which
are all wrong. It says, “...Pu Yi was installed on the throne and in his name
an ambitious general, Yuan Shihkai ruled.... Yuan dealt with them [warlords]
strongly, but himself got ambitious in the process. In 1915, he upstaged the
child emperor and crowned himself king” [p105]. There is no reference to the
1911 Revolution, the overthrow of the Manchu rule and proclamation of the
Republic, nor to Sun Yat-sen who was the leader of the Revolution. Pu Yi gave up
the throne in February 1912; Yuan replaced Sun Yat-sen as president in March
1912; Yuan did not crown himself king; he did not abdicate and he died in 1916.
The authors’
geographical knowledge is comparable to Professor Hari Om’s who had placed
Madagascar in the Arabian Sea. There is a section in the book with the caption
--- South American State Mexico --- which says, “The conjunction of Mexico, a
South American State, with Latin American countries in the context noted below
has warranted the inclusion of Mexico here” [p 117]. There is nothing on the
so-called ‘conjunction’ or on the ‘context’ below or anywhere else, but
that is unimportant as there are numerous such meaningless statements in the
book. But Mexico is certainly not a South American state; rather it is certainly
a Latin American country.
In 1974, the Salazar
dictatorship was “overthrown” [p 144]. Salazar had died in 1970.
Referring to the
1948 Berlin Blockade --- the Soviet authorities in their occupied zone in
Germany had stopped all road and rail traffic from the west to Berlin --- this
book says, “The Soviets sealed all roads, rails and canal links between the
West and East Berlin. Thus, western aid could not reach the trapped people in
East Berlin” [p 170].
On page 172, two
different dates are mentioned for the setting up of Warsaw Pact --- first 1954,
then 1955.
Ngo Dinh Diem [Diem
Ngo Dinh in the book], who was brought to Vietnam under French and US patronage
in 1954 and became the president of South Vietnam, is referred to as a leader of
the nationalists [p 187].
There is reference
to the Geneva conference and the war. The responsibility for war is equally
apportioned and, therefore, there is no reference to the Geneva accords which
had called for elections in 1956 to establish a unified independent Vietnam and
Diem’s and US’ refusal to do so.
The examples given
above are a small sample of the enormity of the distortions of history and
disregard for elementary historical facts in which the two books abound. They
must not be allowed to be used as textbooks.
have been added --- Editor.)