No. 19 May 11, 2003 |
To Organise Rasto
Roko, Rail Roko
Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) has extended solidarity with the
all-India general strike on May 21, called for by central trade union
organisations and decided to work for its success. Meeting at New Delhi on May
2, the central executive committee of the DYFI urged upon all its units to
campaign and conduct powerful rasta roko and rail roko agitation
programmes on May 21 throughout the country. The National Platform of Mass
Organisations (NPMO), of which the DYFI is a constituent, has already asked its
constituent mass organisations to support the strike.
all-India general strike is being organised to register protest against the BJP-led
NDA government’s anti-people, anti-workers, anti-youth policies.
The DYFI has urged upon the youth community of the country to unite and mobilise on a massive scale so that this mass action against the disastrous policies of globalisation and communalisation, which are subjecting the youth to unprecedented unemployment and inhuman existence. This is necessary to defend the interest of our great country and its youth, the DYFI said.