No. 18 May 04, 2003 |
Appeals For Actions On May 21
at New Delhi on April 19, the National Platform of Mass Organisations (NPMO) has
fully endorsed the call of the central trade unions for an all-India general
strike by the industrial workers, both in public and private sectors, and by the
unorganised sector workers and employees of central and state governments,
banks, insurance, defence and other sectors on May, 21. The strike has been
planned to press for the eight-points demands and against the disastrous
economic policies pursued by the government of India. The meeting was presided
over by K L Mahendra, vice president of the AITUC, and attended by the
representatives of all the constituent trade unions, kisan sabhas, and
organisations of agricultural workers, women, students and youth.
NPMO condemned the BJP-led NDA government’s reckless pursuit of the ruinous
policies thrust by the World Bank, IMF and WTO, under the neo-colonial powers
led-by the US. The NPMO also denounced the cowardly posture of the central
government in refusing to condemn the naked aggression on Iraq by the US, which
is seeking to impose its hegemony on the world.
servile attitude of the NDA government is proof positive of the fact that both
the domestic and the foreign policies manifest a capitulation to the dictates of
the neo-colonial powers and serve the interest of international finance capital.
That the policies of the government are brazenly anti-people and against the
national interest, is a logical outcome.
policies have led to heaping of miseries on the mass of the people belonging to
all sections of the society. The NPMO said that being the common platform of
organisations of all such people, it cannot but extend active support to the
struggles of any and every section of the society.
from making common cause with the workers and their trade unions, the NPMO has
underlined the urgent need to fight for immediate relief to the victims of
severe drought situation prevailing in different states in the country, which
has taken a heavy toll of human lives. The situation obviously demands
strengthening of the public distribution system in the country.
NPMO has also expressed deep concern over the unprincipled use of
communal, casteist and other such disruptive forces by the NDA government
for diverting the attention of Indian people from its all-round failures, while
at the same time undermining the unity of the working masses and weakening their
NPMO has appealed to all the mass organisations representing the peasantry,
agriculture workers, women, students and youth to organise simultaneous actions
in furtherance of their own demands by staging rail/rasta roko actions and demonstrations all over the country on
May 21, when the workers go on a nationwide strike. (INN)