No. 11 March 16, 2003 |
Comrade R B More: A Red Star In Blue Sky
After joining
the Communist Party and plunging into the freedom struggle, R B More led
innumerable movements of the working class in Mumbai city and of the peasantry
in Raigad district (then called Kulaba district), and at the same time
concentrated on the social struggle against untouchability and caste oppression.
He was thus a remarkable link between the Dalit and the communist movements ---
truly a Red Star in the Blue Sky. He was a powerful writer and journalist, and
had published and edited several progressive journals, one of which was banned
by the British government. The most enduring symbol to his memory is Jeevanmarg,
the weekly organ of the CPI(M) Maharashtra state committee, of which he was the
founder and the first editor in 1965.
With the help of
some social reformers in Mahad, he wrote letters to the British government and
to the district collector against this injustice, and sent copies of this letter
to the press. The letter was published in one of the newspapers and the state
machinery was forced to move. More thus secured admission in the Mahad high
school. This was his first victory against social injustice, and the news spread
like wild fire all over the district. This event created a new sense of
confidence amongst the oppressed Dalit community.
From his student
days, More began to take up cases of unjust and unequal treatment being meted
out to Dalits in the area. Apart from writing letters to government authorities,
he began organising Dalits against various forms of injustice. For instance, in
those days, Dalits could not travel along with caste Hindus in public transport
from their villages to Mahad, the tehsil centre. There was also a ban on Dalits
selling vegetables and fish in public squares. More fought against these forms
of injustice, and won. He also started a small hotel in Mahad for Dalits. This
became a regular meeting place for retired Dalit soldiers and for other Dalit
activists. At the time of the Mahad satyagraha, it was this hotel that became
the main centre of the struggle.
Actually, it was
in 1924 that More first organised a meeting of selected Dalit activists of Mahad
tehsil. Here it was decided to organise a “Convention of the Outcasts” and
to invite Dr Ambedkar to preside over it. After considerable efforts by More and
his colleagues, the convention was finally fixed for March 19-20, 1927. With the
success of the Crawford lake satyagraha in December 1926, Dalits in the Konkan
region had gained the confidence that through organised struggle, they could win
the battle for their basic human rights. After this victory, More and his
colleagues launched a hectic campaign of public meetings in several villages all
over the Konkan region to prepare for the Mahad convention.
The Mahad
convention was a great success, with nearly 5000 Dalits from four districts (Mumbai,
Thane, Kulaba and Ratnagiri) attending it. As the main organiser of the
convention, R B More introduced Dr Ambedkar and his other colleagues like
Anantrao Chitre, Bapu Sahasrabuddhe and Sitaram Shivtarkar. Dr Ambedkar’s
speech on March 19, 1927 electrified the audience and inspired it to revolt
against all forms of social oppression. On March 20, the second day of the
convention, thousands of Dalits under Dr Ambedkar’s leadership marched to the
Chavdar lake at Mahad, broke the centuries old ban, and drank water from the
lake. The historic liberation struggle of the Dalits had begun.
This event had
instant repercussions. Obscurantist caste Hindus began the campaign that the
lake had been polluted, and spread rumours that the next target of the Dalits
would be the Vitthal temple in Mahad, which they would now seek to enter. A
large mob of caste Hindus physically attacked the satyagraha participants, a
riot was unleashed and the Dalits’ houses and shops were destroyed. With the
intervention of Dr Ambedkar and others, the violence was controlled and
complaints were made to the government authorities. The news of the satyagraha
and the violence against it spread next day to the whole country, and along with
it the name of Dr Ambedkar came into national limelight. It was after this
satyagraha that Dr Ambedkar pledged to devote his entire life to the cause of
liberation of the untouchables.
On the eve of
the Mahad satyagraha, with the assistance of R B More, Dr Ambedkar had taken the
decision to publish a periodical called Bahishkrut
Bharat (Outcast India) and had completed the formalities of its
registration. Immediately after the satyagraha, the first issue of Bahishkrut
Bharat came out on April 1, 1927. It contained a detailed report of the
Mahad convention and satyagraha, written by R B More. In the same issue, he
announced the decision to hold a second convention at Mahad to condemn the
attacks by obscurantist caste Hindus on Dalit satyagrahis and to carry forward
the struggle for social justice.
Again, a big
campaign of public meetings was started. To physically counter any possible
attacks, More formed an organisation of Dalit youth in Mumbai and named it the
“Dr Ambedkar Seva Dal,” taking a cue from the Congress Seva Dal. Dr Ambedkar
himself changed its name to “Samata Sainik Dal.” In forming this
organisation, More took help from retired Dalit soldiers in the British army. A
militant squad of Dalit youth was formed and it spread the message of the second
Mahad convention far and wide.
The second Mahad
convention was held on December 25-26, 1927. Thousands of Dalit men and women
from all over Maharashtra attended this convention. But this time, the court had
forbidden the Dalits from drinking water from the Chavdar lake. R B More,
Dadasaheb Gaikwad and others insisted on breaking these court orders. But, after
prolonged deliberations, it was decided not to do so. Instead, under Dr
Ambedkar’s leadership, the thousands of Dalits who had gathered made a public
bonfire of the Manusmruti, which was
another historic and symbolic act of resistance to centuries-old caste and
gender oppression. A separate meeting of Dalit women was also organised during
this convention, in which Dr Ambedkar called upon them to give up outdated
social practices that thwarted equality.
It was through
these two historic conventions and satyagrahas at Mahad that Dr Ambedkar’s
independent leadership of the struggle for social justice came to the fore. And
the architect and main organiser of both these events was R B More --- a fact
that is sought to be deliberately effaced by some sections within the Dalit
movement. The Dalit masses who had participated in both these satyagrahas spread
the message of the eradication of untouchability and of all other forms of
social oppression far and wide throughout Maharashtra.
Several such
satyagrahas for the right to drink water from public lakes and wells were
conducted in innumerable villages and towns in the state in subsequent months
and years. It was the Mahad satyagraha that became the inspiration for the
subsequent equally historic satyagraha for temple entry into the Kala Ram Mandir
at Nashik, which began in 1932, and was led by another great stalwart of the
Dalit movement, Karmaveer Dadasaheb Gaikwad. Similarly, the Parvati satyagraha
at Pune led by P N Rajbhoj, Shivram Kamble and others also owed its inspiration
to the Mahad struggle.
Soon after the
Mahad satyagrahas, in 1928-29, R B More came into contact with the working class
movement of textile workers in Mumbai. He was one of the founder-members of the
famous Girni Kamgar Union (GKU) which, under communist leadership, organised
massive strike struggles of the textile workers of Mumbai against the British
government and against the mill owners. At the same time, More also became
involved in the struggles of the peasantry of the Konkan region against the Khoti
system, a pernicious form of zamindari that was prevalent in the area. It
was through his actual participation in these class struggles of the working
people that an ideological churning slowly began in More’s mind.
This process was
helped by two other factors. More began the study of Marxism by reading the then
banned classics like the Communist Manifesto and other Marxist
literature. He also came in touch with communist leaders like B T Ranadive and S
V Deshpande on the one hand, and with radical activists then working in the
Servants of India Society like Anantrao Chitre and Shamrao Parulekar on the
other. More became convinced that it was only Marxism that could lead to a
genuine and total emancipation of mankind --- economically, socially,
politically and culturally. After long ideological discussions with Dr Ambedkar,
who, while trying to dissuade him from such a course, nevertheless respected his
honesty, integrity and convictions, R B More joined the Communist Party in 1930.
During the years
1930-32, in the course of his work among the peasantry of Konkan, More was the
first general secretary of a peasant organisation called the Kulaba District
Shetkari Sangh. The president of the Shetkari Sangh then was B G Kher, who would
later go on to become the first Congress chief minister of Bombay State. As a
result of the peasant agitations led by the Shetkari Sangh, the British regime
banned it and externed More and other leaders. Earlier, due to his participation
in working class struggles in Mumbai, the British had imprisoned More, and it
was the shock of his imprisonment that led to the untimely demise of his mother
at the age of 50.
It was in
October 1930 that R B More began a weekly in Mumbai called Aavhan (Challenge), under his editorship. The masthead carried an
extremely significant motto, “Weekly paper that awakens the class pride of
workers and peasants by destroying the divisive sentiments of caste, varna,
religion and nation.” The first issue reported about the Round Table
Conference, flayed British imperialism and included articles supporting
struggles of workers, peasants and Dalits. Over 2000 copies of the weekly used
to be sold. After the first 12 issues, a rattled British government banned its
publication in 1931.
Two separate Marathi articles on Comrade R
B More --- one written by his son Satyendra More, a former member of the CPI(M)
state committee and ex-MLA, and the other written by his grandson Subodh More
--- have been combined and edited for this piece, by Ashok Dhawale.
(To Be Concluded)