XXVII No. 11 March 16, 2003 |
National consultation meeting of trade unions, participated by the
representatives of national/state/regional level trade unions, industrial
federations and all India organisations of employees unanimously called upon the
working class and the toiling people to stage a massive countrywide general
strike on May 21, 2003. This strike should be preceded by intensive joint
campaigns and preparatory action programmes.
notice for the general strike will be served jointly in all establishments on
May 6 through massive
demonstrations. The consultation meeting, which was held in New Delhi on March
12, appealed to all workers and unions, irrespective of affiliations, to make
the all India general strike a telling success. The meeting
endorsed eight point demands formulated jointly by all the central trade
unions and independent unions and federations in the country.
Pandhe (CITU),Swapan Mukerji (AICCTU), Gurudas Das Gupta (AITUC), R.A.Mital
(HMS), S C Gaur (TUCC), Abani Roy (UTUC), Ashutosh Banerjee (UTUC-LS) and other
leaders from independent unions and federations attended this meeting.