No. 34 September 01,2002 |
Save Modi Contingency Plan?
By Special Correspondent
WITH the prospects of having to face president’s rule in Gujarat, a jittery BJP is now looking for ways and means to keep its mascot, Narendra Mody, in de facto control even if he has to quit as chief minister. The search is now on among the big guns of the BJP for some special official status for Modi. Alongside, efforts to keep the old BJP war-horse and former chief minister Keshubhai Patel in good humour too are on.
With these twin objectives the stage could well be set for a Gaurav Yatra where, besides Modi, Kesubhai would have a key role and for Modi to play superstar, mascot role for the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir election campaign. Modi will be used to target the Hindu majority areas of Jammu with his known brand of aggressive Hinduism. This would be a warm-up for the final Hindutva onslaught in Gujarat, according to reports reaching Delhi.
The trouble with the BJP in Gujarat is not only the Election Commission’s jolt to it but also the reports of the National Human Rights Commission and the National Minorities Commission. As a reply, in anger, through its outfits, through advertisements in local dailies, the BJP has targeted all these constitutional bodies as pro-minority.
Part of the picture would crystallise after Arun Jaitly’s visit to Gujarat on August 25. A clear-cut BJP contingency plan could well be out by the next week to keep Modi in saddle, even if he is not in saddle, and to try and keep the dissension within control. (INN)
(August 23,2002)