People's Democracy(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
XXVI No. 25 June 30,2002 |
Women’s Organisations Appeal to Legislators
The following is an appeal issued by several women organisations to the legislators to vote for Capt. Lakshmi Sahgal in the ensuing presidential elections. The organisations included All India Democratic Women’s Association, the National Federation of Indian Women, Guild of Services, Muslim Women’s Forum, Joint Women’s Programme, YWCA, Kali for Women, Jagori, Indian Lawyers Association, Women’s Unit – Indian Social Institute, Forces, Jagori, Nirantar and Ankur.
WE welcome the presidential candidate of Captain Lakshmi Sahgal. More than fifty years after India became a Republic, this is the first time a woman has been nominated for the highest public office in our country, thanks to the decision of the Left parties and the Janata Dal(S). Capt. Sahgal is, moreover, a veteran freedom fighter and champion of the rights of women, the poor and the marginalised, a fitting guardian of our constitutional order.
As a leading figure in the country’s progressive movements, Capt Lakshmi Sahgal has demonstrated in clear and unambiguous terms her deep commitment to the pillars of India’s constitution, secularism, self-reliance, democracy, and socialism. Through these commitments and practices, she brings to contemporary politics a continuity with the ideals and dreams of the freedom struggle for an India where all citizens will be equal and free. She has an outstanding record in her over sixty years of public life. As a young woman she first joined the Indian National Army under the leadership of Subhas Chandra Bose. As such she represents the progressive and secular political platform opposed to the right wing and highly communalised platform of the BJP-led NDA alliance.
The terrible events of Gujarat had pointed to the harmful consequences of the policies followed by the BJP-led government and the very grave danger to the secular fabric of India. In such a situation secular and progressive forces cannot endorse a candidate put up by the BJP-led alliance. We are convinced that the name of Dr Kalam, whom we regard as an eminent scientist, has been proposed with a cynical purpose of concealing the shame of Gujarat and to continue with their efforts to strengthen the platform of aggressive Hindutva nationalism. Citizens of this country are yet to know the views held by the NDA’s presidential candidate on many of the most urgent issues facing the nation, such as the assault on the rights of minorities and the killings of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Gujarat, the attempts to erode the federal character of the constitution through various means, the challenges to democracy and secularism posed by communal forces and so on.
We urge all secular and progressive forces to extend their support to Capt. Lakshmi Sahgal and call upon all legislators who are opposed to the politics of communal hatred to vote for Capt. Sahgal and ensure that the august office of the president continues to be occupied by a politically mature and tested person whose guidance can help our nation in these difficult times. Support to Capt. Sahgal will in addition greatly strengthen the cause of women’s movements in India for justice and equality.