(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist)
No. 27
July 14,2002
Charter Of
The all India
convention adopted the following charter of demands:
All labour laws and social
welfare benefits should be strictly enforced in all the EPZs and SEZs. Maternity leave and
Crèche facilities should be provided.
Development Commissioners should
not be given the powers of Labour Commissioners.
The rights of the workers to form
unions of their choice should be recognised and employers should negotiate with the
democratically elected unions.
Employment on contract basis in
jobs of permanent and perennial nature should be banned.
Payment of wages and period of
employment should be delinked from global export trends.
Piece rated wages should be
converted to time rated wages.
Safety standards should be
strictly implemented.
OHS centres and ESI clinics
should be established within the zone area in all the zones.
Complaints Committees against
sexual harassment should be set up in all the zones as per the directions of the Supreme
The labour inspectors should
regularly inspect units in the zones and the workers’ representatives should be
allowed to accompany the labour inspectors in their visits.
Government of India should form
Industrial Committee at the national level on EPZs and SEZs, involving unions representing
the EPZ and SEZ workers.
For payment of gratuity, the
condition of 5 years minimum period of service should not be applied to the EPZ and SEZ
workers. All the workers should be paid gratuity proportionate to their service.