sickle_s.gif (30476 bytes) People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 26

July 07,2002

Surjeet Writes To Castro Expressing Solidarity

Following is a letter written by CPI(M) general secretary Harkishen Singh Surjeet to Fidel Castro, general secretary, Central Committee, Communist Party of Cuba on June 29, 2002 in the wake of belligerent US threats:


Dear Comrade Fidel Castro,

We are noting with great concern the renewed aggressiveness of US imperialism under the leadership of president Bush against Cuba and socialism. Within a span of four weeks the president of the United States of America has made four outrageous speeches outlining greater hostility towards socialist Cuba. His expansion of the list of countries in his by now infamous "axis of evil" to include Cuba and his incredible announcements of characterising Cuba as a bio-terrorist state are part of a planned aggressiveness to create conditions for a renewed offensive, including a mindless armed misadventure.

US imperialism must however be warned that all its efforts so far against socialist Cuba and its people have met with a heroic resistance both by the people of Cuba and the progressive forces the world over. Likewise on this occasion as well, progressive world opinion will not permit US imperialism to take advantage of the post-September 11, 2000 situation to mount a fresh offensive against socialist Cuba.

Even the diehard anti-socialist elements have had to accept the reality that socialist Cuba has made tremendous and unprecedented strides in human development indices. These have been advances unparalleled in the history of Latin America or for that matter in the Americas during the entire 20th century. That such advances were possible in an island country, ninety miles from the shores of the mighty and hostile imperialist power only demonstrates resoundingly the superiority of socialism over capitalism.

We note with great satisfaction that the Cuban people are expressing their solidarity with socialism and their determination to foil imperialist conspiracies in larger numbers and with greater resolve. The recent public manifestations must sound a warning to US imperialism of that ideologically motivated inhuman attacks against socialist Cuba will not be tolerated.

On this occasion please rest assured that the Communist Party of India (Marxist), as always, will in its complete capacities, express solidarity with the people of Cuba in their defence of socialism, peace and progress.

With fraternal greetings


(Harkishan Singh Surjeet)

General Secretary

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