XXVI No. 02 January 13,2002 |
On History Teaching In Andhra
ALARMED at the decision of the government of Andhra Pradesh to withdraw history from the intermediate course curriculum, the IHC passed a resolution urging the government to rescind its decision. The study of history is essential to understand the processes of change in the evolution of human societies and more so the dynamics of the present day society. History is a value-oriented discipline and to consider it merely from an utilitarian angle is to adopt a lopsided view. As the mother of social sciences, the study of history becomes imperative at all levels, from the secondary to the university stage.
While acknowledging with gratitude the recent statement of the education minister (on the floor of the state assembly) that history will be reintroduced at the intermediate stage from the next academic year in the colleges recently started, the Indian History Congress, voicing the sentiments of all college and university teachers of the nation, urges the Andhra Pradesh government to retrieve the lost faculty position allotted to history and to restore history its original position of importance in the curricula of schools, colleges and universities.