XXVI No. 15 April 21,2002 |
Prakash Karat Introduces Political Resolution
Remove BJP! Intensify Struggles! Build Third Alternative!
PRESENTING the political resolution Prakash Karat traced the outline of major international and national developments in the past three and half years since the last party congress. At the outset, he stressed on two important points. First, the dramatic change that has taken place in the international situation after September 11, 2001. Second, BJP being in power for the last four years. Along with this he also underlined that the updated party programme accepted after, the 16th party congress, is a culmination of a long process. The political resolution being placed before the congress is guided by that very document. This draft was intensely discussed within the party for three months. The party members and committees at all levels took an abiding interest and discussed the various parts of the reports in an organised manner. The record number of amendments to this political resolution, received before the congress, bears testimony to this. The discussions and the resulting amendments reveal the dynamic internal democracy, high level of political consciousness and also the seriousness with which the exercise of determining the political line is taken in our party.
Discussing the international situation, Karat drew the attention to the fact that the political resolution of the 16th congress had underlined that in the changed international situation, the imperialist offensive continued unbated. The imperialist offensive is intensifying on all fronts - political, ideological, military and economic. On the other hand, we had also emphasised that the resistance to imperialist offensive is also increasing. Both these tendencies were prevalent during the period under review. Karat underlined how in the period before September 11, this resistance found expression in massive global actions. From Seattle to G-8 meetings and the IMF-World Bank meet, massive militant protests had taken place on each occasion. Imperialist America is bent upon imposing its policies and decisions unilaterally. It is going ahead with National Missile Defence Programme. It has unilaterally withdrawn from the Kyoto protocol on environmental issues. It boycotted the Anti-Racial Global Summit in order to defend Semitism. America was defeated in the elections to Human Rights Committee at the UN. In all, it is increasingly becoming difficult for America to impose its unilateral decisions. Many trade unions are organising themselves for protests on global level and struggles are intensifying on all levels.
It is at this juncture that terrorist strikes took place in America on September 11. Emphasising that a completely new phase of intensification of the imperialist offensive had started, in the background of these attacks, he described how the ruling classes in America taking advantage of these attacks has unleashed a global war against ‘terrorism’. This war, in their words, is a perpetual war. It is in line with this trend that president Bush announced 'axis of evil' which shall be its next target and includes Iraq, North Korea and Iran. Thus, there has been a fresh impetus to the imperialist onslaught. And today, our own existence as an independent country is at stake due to the subservient attitude of the government led by the BJP.
Current global economic situation is another factor that has been highlighted in the political resolution. Parkash Karat reminded that the 16th congress was held in the background of the East Asian economic crisis. Undoubtedly, it had affected the global economy. Despite this, America had remained untouched by this and did not have the far reaching impact as that of current crisis. A major reason for this is that three major global capitalist economic centres are simultaneously facing a crisis. Japan was already in a major crisis, its crisis has deepened further and there are no signs of it coming to an end. Economic growth is slowing down in Europe.
It is evident that developing countries are facing the brunt of this global economic crisis. In these circumstances the contradiction between imperialism and third world is intensifying. Developed capitalist economies are shifting their burden to the third world countries, including India. This global economic crisis is directly affecting our country. As a result of removal of quantitative restrictions on imports, unemployment is on the rise and poverty has increased. A natural fallout of this has been that majority of the exploited are coming together to fight against those increasing burden on them, i.e. IMF and World Bank. Intense struggles are being fought on the food security and other fronts. The contradiction between imperialism and the third world countries would intensify further.
On the other hand, Karat pointed out that, despite the contradictions amongst the imperialist powers, they are united in their opposition to the third world. In fact, the slogan for unity in wake of the September 11 attacks, is actually a slogan to cement the imperialist unity. US Commerce Secretary, in the run up to Doha Summit of WTO, declared that an attack on free trade is also terrorism. Despite fierce opposition from the third world countries, a new round of trade negotiations has been imposed in Doha Summit. This is a pointer to the renewed attack on the third world.
This is an indication of increased exploitation of the third world and former socialist states. Karat pointed out that the slogan of fight against terrorism is hollow and reminded the delegates that Saudi Regime, which has been the source of fundamentalism has never been targeted. He recounted how, American military presence had reached our doorstep, during this drive. Apart from Pakistan and Afghanistan, it now has direct access to Middle East republics. And not to forget the offers that are being made to mediate between India and Pakistan, on the Kashmir issue. Drawing attention to the protests organised against the increasing imperialist intervention, he said that Kolkata Congress had pointed to this danger. Now, this danger is more potent than ever before. American imperialism wants to bind India with it. Our government led by BJP is trying to make India the biggest outpost of America by replacing Pakistan. Calling for relentless struggle against imperialist manoeuvres and machinations, he underlined that CPI(M) would vigourously combat any attempts at making India subservient to America.
Karat, while referring to the forces opposing this offensive drew attention to the progress in the socialist countries - China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba etc. The last decade has been one of tremendous hardship for these countries. Despite all this, while countering imperialism at political level, these countries have successfully implemented reforms in their economies. On the other hand, there is increased resistance to capitalist policies in former socialist counties. The Palestinian Liberation Struggle, which is today, in forefront of struggle against imperialism, is part of these struggles. In the post September 11 scenario, Israeli government and army have unleashed a war against the Palestinian Authority led by Yasser Arafat.
While emphasising strong unity with the Palestinian people, Karat said, that under the influence of RSS, the BJP government was seeing this as a struggle between Jews and Muslims and its sympathies are on which side is all too evident. Karat strongly emphasised that India has always supported the right to freedom of the Palestinian people and unity with them would have to be further strengthened.
Discussing the national situation, the resolution stated that a new element after the 16th congress, was continuation of BJP in power. That BJP is in power at national level is no ordinary political event. The 16th congress had pointed out that this poses a grave threat to secular polity and the nation itself. It had directed that the central task would be to focus all energies on BJP, which is driven by fascistic RSS. The period of three and a half years since the last congress has vindicated the position taken at the 16th party congress. During this period, two general elections have been held and the BJP has been in power for four years. These have been the years of RSS being able to extend its reach to administrative apparatus of all bodies. It has continued to forge ahead with important issues on its agenda. Minorities are becoming more and more insecure. During these four years, the government has been trying to subjugate our freedom to America. These have been years of unashamed, unabashed and blind implementation of the neo-liberal economic policies. It was also during these four years that the authoritarian face of BJP has been fully exposed.
Karat said that the so-called NDA was nothing but a mask for the rule of the BJP. The agenda of the BJP is the real agenda. Pointing to the developments just prior to the start of the party congress, with Mandir issue being at the centre of controversy, he said that Mandir issue has again come to the forefront of the agenda.
The RSS-BJP combine is moving towards achieving their long term objective of Hindu Rashtra, in which there is no place for other communities. Terming the recent events in Gujarat as proof of basic tenets of RSS, BJP and allied organisations; Karat reminded the delegates that Gujarat has been described as a model for Hindu Rashtra. The state sponsored terror against the minorities, amply demonstrated, that how those belonging to minority community would only be second grade citizens. Murderous squads of RSS-VHP-BJP were allowed to freely unleash terror on the minorities. If BJP remains in power, this will happen across the country. The 16th congress had expressed the belief that the BJP being in power is in itself a threat to the people and had decided that the central task was to defeat the BJP-RSS and communal forces.
Pointing out that there was a threat to national unity due to the BJP-led dispensation at the centre. He said that BJP which poses itself to be a nationalist party, but, on the contrary its policies are actually weakening the national unity. Citing the example of Jammu and Kashmir, he said that the National Conference which had history of secular struggles, had changed camps and joined hands with the BJP-led NDA. This happened, when BJP's mentor RSS, in league with imperialist agencies, had unleashed a campaign for the trifurcation of J&K. This alliance has only led to the worsening of the situation in J&K. The BJP led government sees only one solution to this problem, more and more deployment of security forces.
Increasing disenchantment with the National Conference is helping secessionism. America wants to become the mediator between India and Pakistan. The BJP does not see anything else apart from confrontation with Pakistan. It is not ready to accept any democratic solution to the problem of alienation of people of Kashmir. Karat also referred to the rejection by the central government, without any discussion, of the resolution on autonomy passed by J&K Assembly. He said that the BJP was only contributing to the worsening of the situation as it had been unable to win the confidence of the people of J&K on basis of autonomy and further restoring their faith of living in secular polity.
Same is the case with North Eastern States. Instead of fulfilling the democratic aspirations of the people, RSS under the BJP rule is bent upon worsening the situation by its anti-Christian campaigns. In a country, where minorities constitute 18 per cent of the population, such campaigns could sow the seeds of division and secessionism.
Discussing the policies of the BJP-led central government, Karat said that the mask of Swadeshi has been removed. The truth is that the Congress initiated the process of current policies but the BJP government has taken them quite far. The BJP is much more committed to these policies than anyone else. For example, its attitude to public sector has always been hostile. Similarly, it is during the BJP rule that the doors of the insurance sector have been opened to foreign capital. After all, it is the rule of the rightist party which is bent upon furthering the interests of the big industrialists and foreign capital, at the cost of working class. It is during this rule that hitherto unthought of anti-people steps have been taken at all levels. Industrial sector, agricultural sector, public sector and government services etc - in all sectors; new and sharp attacks on the people are taking place. Current economic policies are destructive to common working people. Suicide deaths by a large number of farmers are an evidence of this.
Pointing to the increasing resistance to these policies, Karat called for charting out a course to further develop these protests. In this background, he drew special attention to how newer sections were joining the struggle. Situation has come to such a pass that the industry associations have openly started saying that these policies are destroying them. These policies have fully destroyed the organised industrial sector. What to be said than of the destruction faced by the unorganised sector. The crisis in the agricultural sector has intensified to such an extent that almost all production is in danger. Undoubtedly, poor and medium farmers have borne the brunt but even the rich farmers are not untouched by this crisis. Special mention was made of the undue haste shown by the government in implementing WTO recommendation even before the deadline.
Karat, also drew attention to the massive attack on the entire public services as a part of these policies. As part of this, education, health, public transport, electricity, water have been made unbearably costlier, attempting to take them out of the reach of common people. People have undoubtedly started agitating against these policies. Special mention was made of the powerful agitation against the massive increase in electricity tariff in Andhra Pradesh. Mention was also made of the fresh burden imposed on the people in the recent budget.
Along with a brief report of the major agitation’s by various sections against the attacks on the working class since the last Congress, it was also underlined that these different actions could not be unified into nationwide unified mass resistance. Karat strongly emaphasised that despite massive attacks on the working class in the 2001 budget, not even a single All India Strike could be organised. Despite this, call of the seven leftist Kisan and agricultural workers organisations for a militant struggle and the struggle on call of the CPI(M) in September, found massive support from the people. About five lakh people participated in the latter activity outside Kerala, Bengal and Tripura. It is clear that the people are restless. Underlining the need both for independent and unified efforts, to lead the people into agitations, Karat called for expanding the agitations from the local level to All India level and intesifying them. He strongly emphasised that it is essential to emerge from the weakness in developing long and sustained struggles at the local level.
Karat also pointed out the massive negative impact of policies of liberlisation on education, media, and cultural sectors. He, recounted that how most deprived and most exploited had been hit hardest by these negative turn of events. For example, whatever facility of reservations were available for the Dalits, even those have been sharply diminishing in the times of liberalisation and contraction of the government. Dalits, who constitute the lowest segments amongst the rural poor have been worst hit by these policies. Similarly, adivasis have also been facing the brunt of these policies. Referring to the document prepared recently by the CPI(M) Central Committee on adivasi policy, Karat emphasised the importance of democratic struggles of these sections. In this background, he called for direct intervention by the party on issues of social reform so that the divisions affecting the lives of the people can be bridged. He mentioned the struggles against casteism and agitational activities in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and called for their replication, specially in Nothern India. He also underlined that without participating in the struggles against social exploitation, class struggle would remain confined to consciousness of economic form of exploitation.
Karat drew attention to the negative fallout of globalisation on the states. In this context, he described how people across entire spectrum had been affected by financial crisis, due to economic policies pursued by the central government. But, the central government is bent on imposing its bankrupt policies on the states under the garb of this crisis. This has intensified in the recent budgets; the states are being forced to accept various demands in order to receive their share from the centre. A major effort of these conditions is to push back the states in the public utilities. Similarly the rights as well as resources of the states are being attacked.
Karat pointed out how the demand for small states was a weapon against increasing attacks on the states. BJP's mentor, the RSS has always been opposed to the linguistic states and now the demand for smaller states is in fact a demand for breaking the linguistic states. Contrary to the democratic reorganisation of the states, it is an attempt to create smaller and weaker states so that the strengthened centre can dictate to them. It is because of this that a campaign is being organised to break the existing states. Pointing out the overcentralising opinion of the capitalist parties, Karat said that while facing these attacks, the issue of more rights for the states in centre- state relations in favour of democratic reorganisation is one of the topmost priorities for the CPI(M).
Last section of the report focussed on the tactics to be adopted in the current political situation. Discussing the balance of political forces, Karat said that that the support of the BJP and its allies is rapidly eroding. Along with elections to four state assemblies held recently, there have been 22 elections since the BJP came to power. Out of this the BJP and its allies have won only in four states. It is clearly evident that as a result of the policies followed by it, the base of the ruling lineup is rapidly eroding and this is paving the way for important political changes. Even otherwise NDA is an opportunistic alliance which cannot last long. As the circumstances are becoming hostile, it is increasing the prospects of allies slowly parting ways with the NDA. On the other hand, the Congress is also pursuing these bankrupt policies. It is another matter that in absence of any other alternative people have voted for the Congress to defeat the NDA. Clarifying the attitude of the CPI(M) towards the Congress, Karat said that the 16th congress was held in the background of BJP coming to power. This congress had clearly accepted that the Congress cannot be an alternative to the BJP. So, we had categorically ruled out an alliance with the Congress. Despite that, when the Vajpayee government fell in the early 1999, on basis of this very understanding the party decided to support the Congress government from outside. The CPI(M) does not see any contradictions between the two.
Clarifying this further, he said that the class character of both the BJP and Congress is same. But, the difference between the two is that BJP is controlled by the RSS. So far as economic policies are concerned, both are at the same plane. The Congress has been opposed to the federal structure. Apart from this, the anti-communist character of the Congress is fully manifested in Kerala, Tripura and Bengal. In recent past, the Congress did not hesitate from aligning with the political front of terrorist orgainsation - NFLT. Similarly, in Kerala, it did not hesitate in joining hands with the BJP on local basis, apart from assembling an entire assortage of casteist and communal forces. This makes it amply clear that no alliance or front can be forged with the Congress. Despite this, the CPI(M) cannot afford to adopt the policy of equidistance from the Congress and the BJP. Karat underlined that firstly, the BJP is controlled and driven by RSS. On top of that it is most pro-imperialist force. Thirdly, the BJP is the emerging party of the bourgeoisie- landlord classes whereas the Congress is on the decline. So, while there is no question of joint front with the Congress, it is essential to recognise at the mass base of the Congress, still has some relation with secularism. It is need of the hour to unite all such forces to defeat and isolate the BJP.
Karat clarified that the stand of the CPI(M) is different from other Left parties on this issue. For example, the CPI instead of working for the development of the third front has aligned with the Congress in Andhra Prasesh and Punjab. On the other hand, parties like RSP and Forward Block favour equidistance from both the Congress and the BJP. This had contributed to failure of efforts to form an alternative government after the fall of the BJP-led government in 1999. In the end, he emphasised that the NDA has been weakened and is heading towards disintegration. It is essential to develop the third front and the Lok Morcha is a step in that direction.
Karat, also, discussed the role of the regional parties. He said that there has been a mixed experience of association with these parties. Some of these parties have now aligned with the BJP. In this context he underlined, that there are indications of change in the position of some of these parties. Firstly, the aspirations and power of the regional bourgeoisie have increased over the last fifty years. Secondly, most of them see a good opportunity for themselves in aligning with the foriegn capital. Regional parties have now sensed an opportunity for intervention in power at the centre. He emphasised the need for increasing intervention amongst the regional parties and cautioned that these include fascistic parties such as the Shiv Sena. Amongst the other regional parties, not all have had the important and equally significant role in struggle for democracy.
We are fighting against those regional parties who have deserted secular forces to join hands with the BJP. Simultaneously, an earnest effort is being made to unite whatever forces can be mobilised to forge the third front. Describing the formation of Lok Morcha as immediate and first task, Karat said that this would have to be strengthened so that third alternative can move forward. He laid strong emphasis on developing the independent influence and strength of the party. He stressed that we cannot make any progress in direction of achieving our political objectives till the strength of the party increases. He emphasised the importance of Left and People’s Democratic Front as realistic pro-people alternative in the present circumstances. He said that the task of developing the real alternative to the bourgeoisie-landlord combine should not be viewed only as a long-term objective. He pointed to the powerful movement and independent strength of the party in Bengal, Kerala and Tripura. At the same time, he stressed how the attacks on these strong centres of the Left have intensified under the BJP rule. He made a special mention of the sharp attacks on the Left Front governments in Bengal and Kerala. In the end, he focussed on the slogans emerging from the political resolution -
Defeat BJP!
Develop a secular democratic alternative!
Defeat the imperialist offensive!
Develop independant struggles of the party!
Remove the BJP led government in such a way so that the Left and democratic forces can surge forward.