XXVI No. 15 April 21,2002 |
Reply To Discussion On Political Resolution
PRAKASH Karat, on behalf of the steering committee, replied to the nine hour long discussion spread over two days, on the political resolution and expressed happiness that discussion reflected the solid unity of the party on the current political line. He also underlined that the high and rich level of discussion and it is because this that multi- faceted political resolution could be understood in a much better way. Along with this, discussion has reflected the restlessness of confronting the issue of how to implement the political line evolved. Confining himself to some major issues raised during the discussion, Karat said that most of the delegates participating in the discussion have fully endorsed the direction and crux of the political resolution. On the international situation, some delegates voiced the demand that there is a need to further develop the understanding and analysis on the basis of resolution on some ideological issues accepted at the Madras congress in 1992, in light of the experience and subsequent developments. Karat assured the delegates that this is one of three priorities set out for the new Central Committee. He expressed the hope that it shall be possible to take the discussion to its logical conclusion in one year. The ideological resolution accepted in 1992 had laid the basic foundation and now there was need to further update it in light of the experiences of last decade.
Karat dismissed the belief that the section on international situation of political resolution does not fully or adequately reflects the understanding of the party on four major social contradictions. Discussing the current direction and stage of contradictions between socialism and imperialism, between imperialism and third world, between labour and capital and between the imperialist forces amongst themselves, he said that special feature of the international situation is sharply intensifying American efforts to impose its hegemony over the entire world. In this context, he cautioned against tendency of seeing the contradictions amongst the imperialist countries in an exaggerated way. He said that while updating the party programme, the understanding had developed that the contradictions between the imperialist forces remain. However it cannot be said that this contradiction has become prominent. There are differences amongst the imperialist forces on the issue of National Missile Defence programme of the US and also on anti-terror global war. However, it is to be remembered that despite all these differences, America has managed to keep all its allies together. He also drew attention to the fact that there are many reasons, which are slowing down this contradiction. For example, Japan is in deep economic crisis and its government is with the US on Theatre Missile Defence. In fact, the US has provoked Japan to violate its constitutional moratorium in order to lend a helping hand in US military designs. He said that it was essential to monitor this contradiction. Along with this he clarified how the contradiction between the imperialist and socialist countries remains the central contradiction. The contradiction between the third world and imperialism is also sharply intensifying.
Karat also discussed other questions raised during the discussion on international situation. He said that the suggestion to combine a detailed analysis of the current global capitalist economic crisis with political resolution is not appropriate. After all, the major task of the political resolution is to identify the tasks before the party and moving forward to implement them.
Referring to the questions on the economic reforms in the socialist countries such as China, Vietnam, he said that we confront a changed global situation today. The remaining socialist countries face circumstances, which they have never faced before. Because of the circumstances arising from the increased imperialist offensive and energy, they have had to undertake reforms and various other measures. Recounting the phase of solidarity with socialist countries, Karat said that our attitude is not of suspicion and distrust towards these efforts. We want to see the success of their efforts. It is important for us that the socialist countries succeed in these challenges. He also said that a political resolution couldn’t be expected to provide more detailed and deep analysis of the socialist countries than this.
Karat termed special attention focussed on the developing agricultural crisis, in discussion on the national situation, as adequate. He said that the chief concern which emerged from the discussion was how to draw the agriculturist population into struggles against economic offensive He said that the discussion has rightly underscored that globalisation is sucking our entire economy and agricultural sector. The agricultural crisis arising from this has become so acute that it has engulfed all sections engaged in agriculture. This has further led to destruction in prominent states with cash crops such as Kerala. Karat said that even the rich peasants have been affected by this crisis and this shall be appended to the relevant section of the political resolution. But, he cautioned that identifying this trend should mean neglect of development of agricultural movement and struggles with poor peasants at the core. He said that we should not forget that while updating the party programme, the role of the rural rich was discussed in detail.
He emphasised that poor peasants had been hardest hit by the agricultural crisis. Whatever facilities were available to them are being taken away because of this crisis. Employment avenues are decreasing. The number of workdays for the farm workers is coming down. The employment for women is declining. Prakash Karat admitted that there is a special place for the procurement of agricultural produce in context of this crisis and that this has place in the programme of Left and democratic front. In the end, he said, that these policies of globalisation have inflamed the deepening agricultural crisis. With the rural rich at the core and increasing our intervention amongst them, we will have to develop a powerful agitation
In wake of the sharply increasing communal attacks under the BJP rule, some delegates expressed the opinion that their seriousness has still not been understood. Karat said that the political resolution would be updated with special reference to the events related to Ayodhya around March 15, RSS threats to the minorities and genocide of the minorities in Gujarat. However it is not appropriate to say that fascism is just at the doorstep. On the contrary despite all efforts to use the Ayodhya issue, the base of BJP is rapidly being eroded. This gives rise to possibilities to determinedly oppose them. In fact, the events in Gujarat reflect their frustation. On the other hand, government machinery is being fully utilised to further the basic agenda of RSS. So, the clear direction of the political resolution is to face the challenges presented by these forces and defeating them.
Similarly, answering the questions relating the issue of J&K during the discussion, Karat said, that the basis of our understanding for the resolution of this problem is granting autonomy to J&K in line with Article 370. We favour maximum autonomy. Our imagination of the political resolution of this problem is based on this understanding. He said that in the present circumstances the slogan of autonomy does not have a substantial impact. One reason for this is that we, ourselves, are not in a position to favourably influence the developments in the state. The National Conference, which has the necessary influence to turn the events in this direction, has cheated the people.
Despite, opposed to some others, who see autonomy not as solution but further aggravating the problem, the CPI (M) would lead a campaign for resolution of this dispute on this understanding. Rejecting the belief of ' terror and counter terror', he said that Jammu and Kashmir has been facing organised and Pakistan supported terrorism and the Indian state would have to face up to this terror. On the other, we shall, also agitate against the brutalities of Indian armed forces. He strongly emphasised that Jammu and Kashmir is not an object of mockery between India and Pakistan but the Indian democracy and secularism is at stake. Dismissing whatever suspicions were expressed about Article 356, Karat said that there was no change in the stand of the party on this. The crux of the party's stand is that the use of this provision should be available only in exceptional circumstances.
He empahsised the need for struggle for democratic reorganisation of centre - state relations. The attempts to link the financial allocation to the states to conditions of implementing the so-called financial reforms, which constituted a massive attack on the rights and powers of the states and underscored in the discussion, would be included in the political resolution. On the issue of Dalit rights, there was a demand for reservation in the private sector. In this context Karat stated that party would decide its stand after studying the Bhopal document on this issue.
While discussing the relations with secular democratic parties, Karat said that there is broad agreement on the questions related to the regional parties. But, the position of the BSP is slightly different and he sought to draw attention to the role and position of the BSP. He said that the BSP has been described not as a casteist party but a caste based party in the political resolution. But it has been noted that it is not like other parties. Apart from other things this party is most opposed to Communists. On the other hand, the political role of the BSP is not hidden from anyone and it is anxious and prepared to join hands with the BJP in UP. Atleast till now, this party is not ready to join hands against the BJP.
Replying to some other questions raised during discussion, Karat underscored the role of the Left Front and its governments in struggle to change the present circumstances. While on one hand he described these governments as a powerful instrument to develop an alternative to present policies and on the other he underlined that the Left Front governments would have to work within the heavy limits imposed by policies of the centre. He sought to draw special attention to the resolution accepted at the Bengal state conference of the party on the Left Front and its achievements. He cautioned that we should not forget that state governments cannot implement their alternative policies but are forced to work within the limits imposed by the central government. At a time when the offensive of these policies has sharpened, it is essential to understand that we should shy away from harbouring unrealistic aspirations from the Left Front governments.
Discussing the stand towards the Congress reflected in the discussion, Karat said that the line of the political resolution was broadly acceptable to all. But, still two extremists views emerged during the discussion and both are wrong. One position, is to refuse any role of the Congress in the present circumstances and the other that an alliance with the Congress is essential. Stating that formulation of the political resolution is correct, Karat said that our position of no front or alliance with the Congress did not stop us from supporting the Congress from outside as an alternative, after the fall of the BJP government in 1999. He strongly emphasised that in order to reach the masses supporting the Congress it is essential that we should not shut our doors on Congress. On the other hand, he termed as baseless the speculation of any alliance with the Congress. He described in detail why there can be no alliance or joint front with the Congress. Karat said that we should not forget the seriousness of situation created due to campaigns of the Sangh Parivar and emphasised that it would be wrong if the party was not flexible in dealing with the present political situation. He said that the 16th congress had made it clear that we can have issue based cooperation but there is no question of joint front or an alliance.
In the end, Karat emphasised independent activities of the party, left unity, developing third front, developing powerful mass struggles and furthering the unity of Left and democratic forces. Accepting the problems in Left unity highlighted during the discussion, Karat underlined that it is the duty of the CPI(M) as bigger left party, to solve the problems in the way of Left unity and develop this unity further. He called for developing a strong, broad based third alternative around this unity. He strongly emphasised that the party can achieve the goals set out in the political resolution by independent actions and developing the struggle, strengthening the left and democratic forces and developing powerful mass struggles.