XXVI No. 14 April 14,2002 |
10,000 March in New York
TODAY 10,000 people demonstrated in NewYork City to demand an end to Israel's US -financed war against the Palestinians. Organizers with the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, which called the rally, said today's action launched a national campaign, the high point of which will be the convergence at the White House of thousands on Saturday, April 20. Other demonstrations in the region included Patterson and Jersey City, New Jersey, in front of the Israeli Mission to the UN and in Brooklyn, New York..
Thousands marched through midtown Manhattan from Times Square to the Israeli consulate. Friday's Times Square rally - endorsed by a wide spectrum of organizations, including Arab and Muslim groups, anti-globalization activists, students, and civil rights organizations - ends a week of massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations throughout the Middle East, that have been joined in by rallies across the U.S., which have been organized by a variety of groups and coalitions, including in Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington DC (one initiated by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and another by Black Voices for Peace), and many more.
"This was a rally to stand with the Palestinians and against the bloody war Israel is waging," said Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center, one of ten national organizations that make up the A.N.S.W.E.R. steering committee. "As such, it is also a rally against President Bush, who is backing Sharon's offensive all the way - he's paying for the weapons and he's calling the shots.
"These demonstrations shows that Bush can't isolate Arab and Muslim people with the threat of racial profiling. We are all here today from many communities to demand an end to the U.S./Israeli attacks."
"The next big step is April 20 March on the White House to protest the so-called war on terrorism which is proving to be a pretext to support U.S. military interventions in the Middle East, the Philippines, Colombia, and in opposition to the administration's attack on civil rights an civil liberties at home.
"Today thousands from all boroughs in New York City came out for Palestine. On April 20, many more thousands are coming to Washington D.C. There they will demand an end to the Bush program and demand money for jobs and education, not war."
Partial list of endorsers for the April 5 NYC protest - Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, NY, NJ * American Muslim Alliance, NY * Arab American Civic Organization * Arab Muslim American Federation * Bayan - USA * Committee for Justice to Defend Palestinian Rights * Committee in Support of Iraqi People * IFCO/Pastors for Peace * International Action Center * Islamic Association for Palestine * Kensington Welfare Rights Union * Korea Truth Commission * Mexico Solidarity Network * Middle East Children's Alliance * Muslim Students at NYU * Muslims Against Racism, Racial and Religious Profiling and War * Nicaragua Network * Organization of Iraqi Students in New York City * Partnership for Civil Justice--Legal Defense & Education Fund * Peace and Justice Foundation * School for International Public Affairs Working Group, Columbia U. *Students for International Peace & Justice
April 5, 2002