sickle_s.gif (30476 bytes) People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 13

April 07,2002

Greetings From CP Portugal

WE would like to convey the fraternal greetings of the Portuguese communists to the 17th congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and, through its delegates, to all the members of your party.

We also want to express our solidarity with the abnegated struggle of the communists in defence of the workers’ interests, of the farmers and, in general, of the popular masses, against the BJP’s reactionary government and against the actions of the far-right wing, separatist and obscurantist forces that threaten the Indian Union. We wish the best success for your 17th congress, with the strengthening of the irreplaceable role of the communists in the liberation struggle of the Indian people.

Your congress is taking place at a moment, when the communists, the revolutionaries and the progressive forces are facing great challenges.

Exploring the disbalanced correlation of forces provoked by the defeat of socialism, and the temporary weakness of social progress and peace forces, imperialism is launching a big offensive aimed at extending the power of capital all over the world.

Under the pretext of a struggle against terrorism, US imperialism is engaged in escalating its interference and aggression against the peoples and sovereign countries. It is seeking to suffocate resistance, take possession of wealth and the strategic positions, clear the way for the multinationals’ exploitation, impose its hegemony on the planet.

The war against Afghanistan, the preparations for aggression against Iraq and other countries, the armaments race and the threat of the use of nuclear weapons, the tragedy of the Palestinian people, the violation of the UN charter and international laws, among other things, are examples of the actual dangerous course of international relationships today.

Such a situation requires urgent strengthening of cooperation between and common action by the communists and all the progressive and pro-peace forces. The role of countries like India that have, historically, taken a positive position in the comity of nations is particularly important. That is why the Communist Party of Portugal (PCP) fully appreciates the struggle being developed by our comrades and other progressive Indians against the external pressures and interference, in defence of the sovereignty and neutrality of your great country, for a non-aligned, peaceful and progressive India.

In Portugal we are engaged in applying the resolutions of our 16th congress that was held in December 2000. We are affirming with conviction the communist identity of the PCP, trying to strengthen our organisation and reinforce our ties with the working class and the people, developing action against the right-wing policies and against the submission to the dictate of the NATO and the reactionary European Union governments, for an improvement in the life conditions of the masses, and for a Left alternative.

Dear comrades,

Once again we wish best successes to the 17th congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), confirming our determination to strengthen the cooperation and friendship between our two parties.

Long live the 17th congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)!

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