sickle_s.gif (30476 bytes) People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 13

April 07,2002

Greetings From CP France

THE French Communist Party extends its most fraternal greetings to the 17th congress of the CPI(M).

We are with great interest watching your congress, and the political activities of the CPI(M), not only because of the traditional friendly relations between our parties, but because we are convinced that a dramatic change in the situation calls for strengthening all kinds of cooperation between social and political forces which are involved in the resistance against the neo-liberal and right-wing policies, against imperialism and for progressive and secular alternatives to capitalist globalisation.

September 11 has served as a clear indication of the tensions and questions raised by capitalist globalisation. It is also an indication of the challenge with which we are faced. It is clear that the American administration is using the September 11 terrorist attacks to launch a vast operation of bringing the world to its heels, by using military intervention, with contemptuous disregard for the international community. The domineering war-like attitude of the United States can only lead to a further aggravation of tensions and still greater unrest and disorder. We consider that if there is one real lesson to be learnt from September 11, it is surely that we must strive to isolate those responsible for these terrorist attacks, we must firmly fight the fundamentalist ideology, and bring progressive solutions to the immense frustrations that are the comfort beds which nourish extremism.

We think there is an urgent need to unite all those of good intentions to work for the construction of a new international order based on the equality of nations, instead of the arbitrary will of the strongest, of the financial markets of the great international capitalist groups, of the United States.

The task, in our opinion, is to open a progressive and secular perspective for our times, the perspective that "another world is possible."

Today, there is growing understanding that an aggravation of inequalities, the persistence of sickness or of undernourishment are not the result of some inevitable fate but the result of political decisions. There is a tremendous need for change.

Demonstrations, strikes, radical protests put a question mark on the neo-liberal policies of privatisation, cuts in social budgets, IMF’s adjustment plans --- and on capitalism.

That is why we affirm that communism is more than ever relevant today, because communism is the only global and radical alternative to capitalism, with the aim of changing the world, changing societies.

The struggle for the liberation and independence of peoples has entered a new phase --- a phase which calls for more internationalism.

We look forward to strengthening the friendly ties and cooperation between our parties.

We wish warmly full success for your congress.

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