sickle_s.gif (30476 bytes) People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 13

April 07,2002

Greetings From CP Britain

THE Communist Party of Britain sends warmest comradely greetings to delegates and international guests at the 17th congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).

Although we are all working in the specific conditions of our respective countries, many of the problems we face are common ones. They arise from the exploitative system of capitalism and are intensified by the parasitic and crisis-ridden character of its highest and final stage --- imperialism.

We share the CPI(M)’s analysis that imperialism has entered a more aggressive, exploitative and oppressive phase since the collapse of the socialist system in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Militarism, rational chauvinism, the oppression of women, racism and inter-communal conflict have all been given a various new lease of life in a period when monopoly finance capital has gone onto the offensive.

Although not caused by the terrorist attacks of September 11 --- only more than the First World War was caused by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinard --- this offensive has been greatly intensified behind the smokescreen of the so-called "war on terrorism."

Such an offensive would not be possible without the comprehensive use of state power, especially by the leading imperialist countries which promote and enforce the policies that are represented by the term "globalisation."

In Britain, we communists accept our responsibility to oppose the role that British imperialism plays as a subservient junior partner of US imperialism. Together with the Morning Star daily newspaper, we resolutely challenge all attempts to impose imperialist economic, cultural, political and military hegemony across the world. We are stepping up our activities in solidarity with the people of Palestine, Iraq and Iran and with the party, government and masses of People’s Korea.

At home, we are very active in the upsurge of protest and struggle against Tony Blair’s policies of privatisation and labour flexibility. These policies have already shown themselves to be a complete failure and are now regretted by the working class and the majority of the people of Britain.

It is almost incredible that this discredited path is still being followed enthusiastically by the present government of India.

Our own experiences therefore heighten the solidarity that we express to our comrades in India. We draw inspiration from the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and its principled struggle for the real interests and precious unity of the people of India.

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