XXV No. 45 November 11,2001 |
Bidi Workers Struggle To Enhance Wage
B Prasant
THE Jangipur Mahakuma (sub-division) in the district of Murshidabad in north-central Bengal is the home to more than half of the bidi mazdoors of Bengal. In a district, which faces a series of riverine erosions every year, and has an uncertain rainfall, bidi manufacture is a viable means of livelihood for the rural poor. From school-going children to adults, every able-bodied person in the rural stretches of Jangipur are active in purchasing the leaves, procuring the tobacco, and then spending days and nights together throughout the year rolling hundreds of thousands of bidis which now have not only a steady regional and national outlet but also an international market as well.
Because the bulk of the bidi industry is still in the unorganised sector, the sahukars and mahajans (moneylenders), who also control the industry, try and exploit the bidi mazdoor mercilessly by offering a mere pittance of a daily wage. For some time now, the bidi mazdoors have been waging a protracted struggle under the banner of the CITU-affiliated Bidi Mazdoor and Packers’ Union, and have been engaged in some hard negotiations with those who provide the raw material and control the bidi outlets.
After a struggle that lasted for more than two years, the bidi mazdoors have finally compelled the owners to come up with an increase of Rs 4.50 per one thousand bidis rolled. The bidi mazdoors of villages in Samsergunj in Raigunj Mahakuma told INN that for the moment they are pleased at the enhanced rate of wage that they could wrest from the unwilling hands of the owners and proprietors.
The struggle, however, is not ended for, the basic demand of the mazdoor union for a 40 per cent increase in the overall wage remains yet to be realised. For the time being, the villagers are happy that the wage increase, however small, could be won as the autumn festive season commences.