sickle_s.gif (30476 bytes) People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Vol. XXV

No. 51

December 23,2001

No To Sharon’s Brutal War: CP Israel

THE Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel has sounded a warning against the terrible consequences, for both Jewish and Palestinian peoples, of implementation of the Sharon-Peres government’s decision to widen the cruel war against the Palestinians and their elected leadership.

The CP Israel has severely condemned the harming of Israeli civilians by bombs and suicide attackers. But when Sharon uses these attacks as an excuse to send tanks and planes the bomb the cities in Gaza and the West Bank, and to tighten the already unbearable blockade starving the Palestinian areas, he is speculating in the citizens’ blood.

Bitter experience tells that bombs and the systematic abuse of the Palestinian population do not strengthen Israel's security. On the contrary, they feed the desperation, spread bloodshed and strengthen the extremists who oppose a political solution between the two peoples.

The CP Israel has warned that the Sharon-Peres government is working to reoccupy the Palestinian areas and destroy, physically and functionally, the Palestinian Authority (PA) so as to completely end what little is left of the political process and to block any future peace negotiations. Further, the destruction of the PA’s political infrastructure is paving the way for Sharon & company to create conditions for the deportation of Palestinians from their towns and cities and the annexation of Palestinian territories to Israel.

Giving full support to the militaristic policies of the Sharon-Peres government, the Bush administration shares responsibility for the widening cycle of violence and the collapse of the political process.

The CP Israel has urged all supporters of peace, Jews and Arabs, women and men, to all the protest organisations, to the leftist groups in the world to maintain public pressure against the Sharon-Peres government’s destructive policies. They must press for a peace based on the UN resolutions, for an end to the occupation and creation of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as capital, alongside the state of Israel.

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