XXV No. 48 December 02,2001 |
20,000 Beedi Workers March To Parliament
OVER twenty thousand Beedi workers from all Beedi producing states of the country marched to Parliament on November 27 to press for their several long pending demands. This impressive rally started from the Ramlila Ground and culminated into a public meeting in front of the Parliament street police station. There were workers from as far as Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka to the neighbouring states of Delhi.
The rally was organised jointly by the trade unions working among Beedi workers and affiliated to - AITUC, CITU, AICCTU, HMS, INTUC, IFTU, TUCC, UTUC and UTUC LS, in pursuance of a ten-point charter of demands.
Among those who addressed the workers were K.L. Mahendra, Chanchal Ghosh (AITUC); M.K. Pandhe, P.K. Ganguly (CITU); A.D. Nagpal (HMS); Achinta Sinha (UTUC-LS); Abani Roy, MP (UTUC); V. Krishna (IFTU); Chandra Rana (AIFTU), Basudev Acharya, Jibon Roy CPI(M) MPs, Ajoy Chakraborty CPI MP and Abdul Hasnat Khan and other leaders of each Beedi federation. The rally called for carrying forward the united movement state-wise in preparation for observing an All India Demands Day on April 10, 2002.
Later a joint delegation comprising of the leaders of each central trade unions and MPs met the Union Labour Minster, Sharad Yadav and submitted a memorandum consisting of the 10-point demands. The Minister assured to call a meeting of the Joint Action Committee by middle of December to discuss these demands.
Some of the major demands are :